Monday 28 January 2019

Brexit Shmexit-still alive, and suffering from Brexit fatigue (and flu)

So now you know how I started off this year. I didn't make any resolutions, of course. I would have broken them all the first week in January. Instead, I came down with the dreaded flu that has been going around. Last year I started with a very nasty concussion; this year I began with a month of flu. At least, the flu is gone, so I've got eleven months to make up for the lost first one. Too many people breathing, that's the problem.

And then there's Brexit, the dreaded word that sounds like a breakfast cereal. Whoever coined that word deserves to be gelded.

What a total disaster this Brexit crap has been. Everyone is fighting over leaving, remaining, what will happen if we leave, should we have another referendum...why not just have a referendum on all the battles that were lost in every war we fought? Just keep having a vote until everyone gets the result they want. How totally ridiculous people are. Here is an example of utter stupidity: two weeks ago I took a little break from the usual flu problem known as a universal law: what goes in must eventually come out. This is also known to all flu sufferers as "puke and poop". We get it in both directions, and if you've ever had the dubious honor of having the flu, you'll know exactly what I mean.

I made the serious mistake of listening to the news. It was Sunday. What exciting stuff happens on a Sunday? Well, some total idiot called Vince Cable (Liberal Democrats, I think he is now Sir Vince Cable. I just call him Sir Imadickhead) stated that more than a third of all sheep would be slaughtered if we leave the European Union. I just started to laugh. Excuse me? That's a third of the UK population. Slaughter the braindeads instead-Cable first. Seriously-people actually are stupid enough to believe this. And crap like this has been spread around for two years now; the people who are desperate to remain in Europe are the ones with fortunes invested in Europe. They clearly don't care about the citizens; all they care about is the fact that, once we leave, they lose money on their investments. What was that line from the film Wall Street? Ah, yes: Greed is good. For government ministers and all those invested in Europe, change that to Greed is God.

I have a neighbor who used to make jokes about Trump-although Trump is certainly no laughing matter. My neighbor was very condescending, too, asking why Americans voted for him. And now the shoe is on the other foot, as they say. I saw her the other day, we exchanged pleasantries (as you do when you are forced to say something when face to face with someone who is an idiot), and I couldn't help but go in for the kill. "So tell me", I said, so sweetly I wanted to vomit from the sudden surge of sugar, "how does it feel to be part of the joke known as Brexit? You've spent so much time sneering at Trump and Americans-and now, take a look at your country. The words "pot, kettle and black" spring immediately to mind, don't they?"

I've got no idea why she didn't see the irony-but the Brits have little sense of irony, don't they? In fact, Brexit has proven that they have little sense at all. I did tell you that the majority are completely braindead-and this is a result of centuries of inbreeding. Want to shag your brother/sister/cousin/parent/sheep/goats/cattle? That's what you get...

So I'm back, I'll keep you posted on all the latest news from Brexit Shmexit country. Right now, it's time for Starbucks. I wish I had stock in the company...

I don't know about anyone else, but Iceland is looking more and more attractive every day. I wonder if Reykjavik has a Starbucks...