Friday 3 April 2015

I nearly forgot...

I was so busy chuckling about the disastrous meeting on Wednesday (and did I keep my temper? Yes, I did. Barely. I'm learning. Maybe when I'm 90 I might even have learned tact, diplomacy, sensitivity, and to curb the intense desire to smack some idiot in the head).

I've got most of a chocolate bunny left. And another bag of Kettle Chips (buy in bulk, I say-just in case there is a famine). And a bottle of Jack Daniel's (full. That tells you how much I drink. I usually open the bottle and just take a whiff).

It's Easter (yeah, bfd. To someone, somewhere). I'm all set up. I've got one from every food group. Who could ask for more? So bite off those tiny chocolate heads and feet, and enjoy. Good thing it only comes once a year. I would end up weighing 300 pounds and I would have to come and go by the window.

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