Wednesday 25 November 2015

Doing the Victory War Dance

The world seems to have gone completely nuts-even more nuts than it was already.

While I was doing my due diligence, going through all the tests, being magnetized, irradiated, blood-letted, poked, prodded, and everything except dissected (they probably would have wanted to do that, too, but I moved faster than they did), the French got the ringleader of the terrorists. I heard this on the news when I got back from seeing the throat people-and finding out that they need to do another biopsy. But more about that later.

Well, I heard the news about Abaaoud, and on went my happy face, I was punching the air, and doing a happy dance-which I called my victory war dance. I danced around my little apartment, did a little jig, and even did something which remotely resembled a twerk-and all without falling over, which is quite an accomplishment, I can tell you. The words "twerk", and "jig" will make my friends (who keep up with this blog) smile. Now there is a visual nobody will forget in a hurry! And so much for the Christian/Jewish/Buddhist/Taoist/Unitarian/Quaker/Wiccan/anyone else I have left out (sorry) qualities of compassion, love and forgiveness. Since when do homicidal maniacs deserve any of those? Nope-I'm a hard liner where that is concerned.

Don't go to Mali (who would want to, anyway?). Don't go to Germany (especially Hanover. People are being blown up in Hanover). Don't go to Brussels (it's been shut for awhile, anyway). Brussels is the Mecca of terrorists-there is an entire section of the city where these maniacs have settled in order to plan their next attacks. Plus, it's also the home of organized pedophile rings, and neo-Nazi groups.
Of course, don't come here, because-oh, that's right, there are very few police!! And Cameron and the rest of Parliament are pussy footing around, having debates about how to destroy IS-while the French and Americans are actually taking action.

In fact, don't go anywhere. Stay home. Learn how to knit.

I think that everyone, everywhere should be concerned-not terrified, but concerned. Vigilant. Everyone is a target. And it is difficult to eradicate homicidal maniacs who just love to kill, indiscriminately, while using their religion as an excuse. This isn't Islam. This is genocide.

My medical ordeal is nearly at an end. My throat guy managed to take a biopsy that was too small (what a total idiot!), so the biopsy needs to be repeated. It was horrendous enough the first time, and now they are going to do it all over again. Wonderful. I just love the feeling that a flame thrower has been shoved down my throat-and that someone seems to have punched me in the jaw while I was sedated. And-I'm pretty sure that nothing is terribly wrong, anyway.

All the results are showing that I am in excellent health - for my age, they tell me. I can live very nicely without the "for my age", thanks. But all my hard work is paying off, and even my balance has begun to improve, although the change in the weather left me stumbling around for a few days. That was a little disconcerting-but I was advised to expect it, so I simply decided that the setbacks are temporary. I just keep going. I fall, I pick myself up, I keep going. I won't give in.

And speaking of not giving in: in my opinion, we all need to be vigilant, but not be afraid to go out, to do things, to live as normally as possible. Of course, we can be in a situation like Paris-or Mali-or Brussels-or Hanover-or be on a plane and wonder if we are going to make it to our destination in one piece. But if we give in to the fear of being victims of terrorist lunatics, then we have lost. And they have won. They want to destroy us, and they want to destroy our way of life. Let's make sure they don't succeed. For that, it takes people power. It takes everyone to work together to defeat the terrorists-if, indeed, they can be defeated, since they seem to be everywhere. Is it do-able? I think so.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day-and I have given a great deal of thought over things that make me grateful. I will be posting tomorrow. And stuffing my face, of course. I'm still here. I've become a lot stronger than I ever imagined I could be-so I will be posting-and eating. What's not to like?

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