Sunday 14 August 2016

Tears on my Pillow

Good song title, that. And that's what my week was like: yucky.

I had the stitches removed on Monday- and that wasn't the lowest point of the week. It was painful, my arm looked horrible (and felt worse)- but the worst day of the week was Wednesday.

Wednesday was the sixth anniversary of the gentamicin. It was six years ago that someone else's incompetence destroyed my life. Trust me when I tell you that I haven't forgotten - and I'm struggling with forgiveness six years later. I'm getting there-but it's slow going.

Wednesday was also the day that a DexaScan showed that I've got osteoporosis.  Tamoxifen,  cancer, both of these are contributing factors. So now I've got something else to fight. Oh joy.

What if my life was easy? Hmm...would it be less complicated?  Of course-but I wouldn't have so much to write about.  I'd probably be bored rigid. I'm okay with that.

I did join the human race yesterday: I now have a tablet,  so I can stop swearing at my ancient computer and swear at the IPad instead.  If you want to find me, just follow the swearing.

But this is so cool . I just need to get used to it. And not drop it. Or get frustrated and throw it out the window. I wasn't going to buy anything new-just in case I didn't live long enough to use it.

Oh me of little faith.

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