Monday 12 June 2017

Not dead yet-but back in the battle (again. Or still

I know it's been a month-and I'm still not dead, although I've felt like I'm stuck in the first circle of Hell. We've had two terrorist attacks in less than a month, and I've had a few dramas of my own.

I've been feeling severe dizziness for a couple of months-dizziness and nystagmus (meaning that my eyes don't focus properly and move around all on their own). That is all down to gentamicin, the gift that keeps on giving. So I've had a tough time blogging-in fact, I've had a tough time walking!

I did the hospital routine - mostly because I had to - and tried not to fall into traffic. I tried to get an earlier appointment with the Queen Square people, who are the go-to guys for vestibular destruction; they have no appointments until July, and no matter how much I called them and cajoled them, they just didn't seem interested. Very, very frustrating.

So that was me, no contact with anyone except by telephone. What on earth would we do without computers, emails, mobile phones? Have some peace and quiet, probably.

The day that I had an MRI was also the day that I heard about the Manchester bombing. I can tell you that I was really upset-not depressed, but angry. How dare these maniacs target children?How dare they target anyone? To be fair, the Mancunians really stepped up to help each other-but they won't return to normal for a long time, if ever.

Then we get another terrorist attack, this time in London-London Bridge and Borough Market are popular areas for tourists, for shopping, for dining out-and eight dead this time. I could not believe it- and we're on alert for another one, somewhere, some time. These nutters just never give up.

It's interesting to note that, looking at the photos of all the terrorists, they are incredibly ugly. No wonder they believe that they will end up with vestal virgins looking after them in Paradise-so they're stupid, too. Where they're going won't be Paradise-and any vestal virgin would look at them and run screaming for the exit. They've probably never been laid.

I borrowed a friend's old laptop to post this, since you might think I got either blown up, shot, or abducted by aliens. 

Nope-still here, and although this is taking three times longer than usual, I'm not giving up. People here are calling each other brave, and resilient, and refusing to give in to terrorists. Of course-cowering in fear only gives them more power. And I know more than a little about resilience, courage and the refusal to give in or quit. I know a lot about that; it's been seven years, and I'm still going. I'm like the Energizer bunny.

We've had another election-I think they all suck. Now we have a "hung Parliament"- you only have to look at all the male MPs to see that nobody is well hung.

Iceland is looking more attractive by the minute.


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