Thursday 8 July 2021

The Wizard of Oz and other fairy tales

 I noticed when Boris Johnson was doing his usual BS newscast that his hair-clearly done that way for the media-was probably stolen from the Scarecrow out of  The Wizard of Oz. No normal person has hair like that. He's a ringer. Probably walks around Downing Street singing "If I only had a brain".

You can tell that the pandemic and 14 months of lockdowns had a really serious effect on me. And there's more, too. I missed July 4th, the 245th birthday of the USA, because-well, I didn't have any fireworks to set off. Everyone I know was depressed. It wasn't really a day for celebration. Oh, boo hoo hoo!

We're supposed to be restriction-free on July 19th-even though there's an upsurge in Covid cases. BoJo -the media's name for Boris-is telling us that the great British public will naturally be cautious, and act intelligently. BoJo-I just call him Bozo, because he's a clown (and an idiot). The British public acting correctly, intelligently, respectfully-that's a fairy tale, all right. That's a delusion. It's like people being really pompous and patronizing, and telling everyone that, after all, something or other was made in Britain. Excuse me-so was the Titanic.

All our lives have changed since the beginning of the pandemic. We're stuck with living with Covid-probably permanently-and we just need to err on the side of caution. Too many people are too selfish and stupid to accept that. This is Britain, after all! The more people I have to encounter, the more mystified I become that they actually lived past puberty. 

I don't know about anyone else, but I have become very short-tempered. My fuse was never very long, but I always tried to keep it in check. Now I just get so angry...The worst part is that I get angry over the little things, things that are unimportant. Do you find that you are going through that? Losing your temper at really silly things that would only be a minor annoyance-if that-that you could just shrug off?

I'm on an elbow crutch, courtesy of the Four Cripplers. And stupid people just walk down the street, looking at their phones, oblivious to the fact that there is someone right in front of them who just can't -and shouldn't have to-jump out of the way. I want to push them in front of a moving bus-then laugh. That's what I mean about getting angry and overreacting. I wouldn't hurt anyone, obviously. So I just call them imbeciles. Usually preceded by the f-word. Considering that the level of crime has gone sky high, and that disabled people are being targeted (easy targets), maybe I'll have to watch my temper.

If you've had Covid and have been smacked with long Covid (yes, twice), you'll know how long the after-effects linger, and how terrible they are for a lot of people. I'm talking about people of all ages. Covid doesn't give a shit about your age, sex, religion, socioeconomic background, it'll wipe you out whoever you are. People in their teens, in their 20s and 30s and older-now are unable to live the way they lived before contracting the virus.

Example: brain fog. You aren't going senile, it's a Covid thing. And pain. Lots and lots of pain. I had a few days where I felt excruciating pain in my hands, then my legs, then all over. I felt as if I'd been hit head on by a train-that then reversed back over me. Nothing helped. My doctor certainly didn't help, she was useless. Her attitude was - so what? And you're always tired-an exhaustion that won't go away with rest. 

I'm not mentioning all this to moan about it, because Long Covid lasts as long as it lasts, and there doesn't seem to be anything that anyone can do about it except wait it out. I'm mentioning all this because you might be suffering from Long Covid and wonder what on earth is happening to you. Just so you know that you're not alone. We can all suffer together, tell really bad jokes (to be fair, they haven't all been that bad), drink lots of coffee, and have a pass when it comes to being pissed off.

My ex used to say that it's better to be pissed off than pissed on. Then I divorced him. 

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