Friday 24 September 2021

Space Junk - from Disgruntled in London

 Marcus Aurelius wrote: "When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil". I add to this: brain-dead, obnoxious, rude, badly-mannered-and yes, they can tell good from evil. They just couldn't care less, because they're that selfish. And incompetent. 

I obviously have had the experience for a lot longer than you would think-but I'm still here because the bloody NHS nearly killed me, so I am now unemployable. I'm stuck in Brain-dead Britain, the land of the savages. <sigh> I do make fun of them as often as I can. Which is daily, as you would expect. How these people ever made it past puberty is a mystery.

It's been two weeks of Murphy's Law in action since I wrote last time-two weeks with the 20th anniversary of 9/11 in the middle. Twenty years-how incredible it is that it's been 20 years, and we still haven't learned anything. Everyone is still hating everyone else. I couldn't even watch the CNN coverage of the ceremonies back home. I remember exactly where I was on the day. It isn't something that I will ever forget. But I do wish that they would stop making all the innocent people who died into heroes. They weren't heroes. They were ordinary people who went to work, expecting to do other things afterwards, never expecting to be the victims of mindless terrorists. Ordinary people seem to be the ones who are targeted by the insane. Why? I suppose because they are easier to kill. 

So many things have been rumbling around in my head-usually in the middle of the night, when I'm supposed to be sleeping. We have- how many thoughts in a day? And most of them are dismissed as useless (because they are). I call them "space junk". I would love to be able to selectively eliminate the useless from the useful; it seems to be perfectly normal for thoughts to go in and out. Now I joke that I'm living in a place where the people have nothing in between to stop them. 

Well, that's my duty of slagging off the Brits done for today. I'm going to Starbucks.

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