Friday 31 December 2021

Time to roll it out-and give it a good kicking and send it on its way

 I mean that for the year-but if you want to roll out someone who really, really deserves it: give them a good, swift kick in the behind as you shove them out the door along with 2021. Maybe kick them a few times just to be sure...


So here we are, the end of another totally crappy year, and-I don't know about you, but I've learned a lot in the two years just about gone. I've learned so much about human nature-sadly- and I've lost faith in most of humanity. For all the good people who have made-and continue to make-sacrifices for others, even at the cost of their own lives, there are exponential numbers of people who are nasty, evil, moronic-and really couldn't give a toss about anyone but themselves. What a sad world...

Have I made any resolutions for 2022? I finally learned to avoid making any resolutions, because I end up breaking them within three days. Sometimes I break them the same day I made them!

I've made one resolution that I plan to keep as much as possible-and not only for the new year. It isn't diet-or exercise (god forbid!!). It's to live life differently, make allowances for people's faults and frailties (including my own), and to begin to live life on my terms, nobody else's. Nobody should ever tell you what to do, or how to live. We do have to do things like: pay our taxes, obey laws, etc. But nobody is entitled to anything. Tell people where to shove their sense of entitlement. 

I forgot: I resolve to write more often in 2022. Things happen; there will be a lot to say. So-it's the new year. Eat lots, drink lots, stay safe, keep others safe, resolve (like me) to live your best life. As far as I can tell, this is the your only life. And once time has passed, you can never, ever get it back. Whoosh! It's gone. So shift your bottoms and get living.

Oh, and never be afraid to tell people off, or tell people how you feel. I do it all the time. I wish I had learned that years ago! Who cares what other people think? Care what you think.

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