Saturday 3 September 2022

I may be a wimp-but I'm a happy wimp

 I said last time that I was due to go for the fifth Covid jab on Friday. I've put it off since I was "invited" (that means ordered) to have it in June. I remembered how I felt after the last three; I'll remember that for life, probably.

Oh, well. I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in synchronicity, but not coincidence. And I kept wondering if I should cancel it for the sixth time, since I didn't think I could take another five days of agony. So I wandered around all week, and came to the conclusion that I was well and truly indoctrinated when it came to doctors believing that they know best. I knew that was a total lie twelve years ago.

On Thursday I went for my infusions. While I was waiting for my taxi outside the hospital, my phone rang. It was the testing centre-and my decision was made for me. They were doing polio vaccinations for the next few months until all the 1-10 year olds had the polio jab. So every Covid booster was cancelled. Talk about good luck!

I was so happy that I had to restrain myself from punching the air in triumph. If that wasn't a sign of refusing the fifth booster, I don't know what was. And that taught me a lesson: if I get a bad feeling about something, don't do it. Ever.

So that was my day of reprieve. I walked around all afternoon whispering thank you-quietly, of course. Is there a god/spirit/higher power/ super consciousness/bacon sandwich-who knows, and who cares? Someone or something was definitely looking after me. 

It's been a week, however. I live in a small community which was earmarked for disabled people; I didn't know when I moved in that some of the people were mentally disabled. If you have been following me for awhile, you'll know the story of the reptile who has been making everyone's lives a misery. And you'll also know that I got involved at the beginning of June. Now that I think about it, I think that my ego was involved, rather than my good sense. I should have said no. And the stress of dealing with 60+ year old people who behave like four year olds has taken its toll. On Wednesday I was walking back from the shops and I burst into tears. Truly not my finest moment. I had a meltdown. I managed to cry myself all the way back, locked the door, made myself a strong coffee, and sat and wept for a little while. Then I decided that I needed that to show me that the stress of dealing with idiots was too much stress. I'm done.

I'm stuck in the old quandary of getting myself as gracefully as possible out of the cesspit-or having to deal with the stress of dealing with people who are brainless and ungrateful. Truly. They seem to believe that they are entitled to everything without actually doing any work. And now I'm venting...First I cried uncontrollably for about an hour, now I'm venting. I rarely do either, so we know that I need to go and let them all fight it out by themselves.

I think that we come to a point in our lives when we need to examine our priorities and decide what is important. I was always an activist-and now I just want to enjoy middle age before I turn around and croak. So I'm going to do the things I promised to do, attend the meetings I said I would attend, and stop sending emails to the landlord, because as long as they get their pay every week, they don't care about the wellbeing of their tenants. Isn't that typical?

I'm actually setting boundaries. It took long enough. And, since utilities (gas and electricity) prices are rising at least 400% next month (yes, that's what I said: 400%), I'm using my cafetiere to make my own coffee. A fiver at Starbucks for a cappuccino is ridiculous.

Next week we'll know which of the untrustworthy and incompetent morons will be our next untrustworthy and incompetent prime minister. Oh joy. All this while people are afraid to turn on their heating in the winter because they can't afford it. 

What do I think of the candidates for the thankless job that was left by the useless and incompetent Boris Johnson? About the same as I thought of him. So I'll let you know the verdict next week. No doubt we will get the government we deserve (and God help us).

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