Tuesday 25 October 2022

Never let it be said that punitive behavior doesn't exist; I've now been threatened with eviction

 And here I had a week away from all the stresses, aggravation, threats, moaning, whingeing... I thought that I was doing the right thing by constantly emailing (and occasionally threatening) the council about the lack of response to everything that Baster (aka Monkey Pox. Forever) was doing to everyone. I stuck my head above the parapet-and now I'm in danger of losing my head after all. Nobody would ever make this up.

I went off to Kent for a week of peace and quiet. No television, no radio, virtually no internet access-it was so quiet and peaceful, I wasn't happy about returning yesterday afternoon. Even when it rained (every day) I found a time to do some walking. Small village. A lot of hairdressers (!), but no greengrocers or fruit shops of any description. They had a large Tesco, so that was where I bought a few things. And that was it. Pubs-yes. Distractions? Not really. And three churches-three! go figure...

I returned to find a letter from some halfwit who calls herself a "resident liaison officer"- another council halfwit who couldn't liaise her way around a public toilet. That ended peace and really infuriated me.

This moron is called Hyacinth Simms-I keep calling her Hyacinth Bucket, after a pretentious character in a sitcom that was popular long before I came to this country. I never saw it-only the name made me laugh. Bucket doesn't make me laugh.

So Bucket sent me a six page diatribe filled with scurrilous lies, inaccuracies, misinformation, and basic bullshit. She formally threatened me with eviction-subject to statements from-if you immediately said Monkey Pox, you're right. And Shannon, his pal who lives downstairs and who-I've got absolutely no doubt-was responsible (with  Pox) for the oil on the stair and the cleanup afterwards. No proof-no witnesses-no chance of doing anything about it. Now is when I wish I knew some thugs to do it for me. And the third cretin who complained is Sandra Pavlou, who lives next to Robert, the person with whom I am collaborating on attenpts to get Baster moved elsewhere. Anywhere. 

I never had an issue with Pavlou. I haven't spoken with her, or seen her, or interacted with her in any way. We live at opposite ends of the estate, so we just never seemed to see each other. But she's hooked up with Baster-and he calls her his only family. The two of them are conjoined. Add Shannon, who is just as close (what a scary, revolting idea), and Baster's son, who is from Sweden and now lives with daddy-and you've got people who will say anything to discredit someone who has consistently reported them. Formally.

So, the question: am I going to do anything about this? Ahhhh-you know the answer. I reported the council for incompetence to the housing ombudsman and the local councillor before I left. And now I'm going to report Hyacinth Simms to the corporate complaints department. This will, of course, do nothing, as all complaints are probably thrown in a bin somewhere. But I'll be contacting the Ombudsman to offer the latest development, since Simms never contacted me and is clearly getting even for my calling her incompetent. 

Robert, who is the person I've been trying to help and support in all this-since June this year, when I stupidly agreed to help-is making noises about continuing in his quest to get Monkey Pox sanctioned- but now is backing off since I told him about the eviction threat. And that's what I get for trying to help someone who also can't be trusted.

I'm sensing a pattern? They can't evict me, by the way, because the "evidence" is spurious, and would never hold up in court. And they won't want me to take them to court.

I rang a tenancy manager yesterday afternoon-she actually answered the phone-bet she wished she hadn't- and she said that she knew nothing about this. She's Bucket's boss, by the way. I said that they'd better be ready for legal action-because I'll get them for libel, slander, defamation of character, and a whole list of other things that will make really interesting reading for the newspapers.

They do not want to mess with me. They're messing with the wrong person. Because now I won't stop until they put the situation right. I mean: I'll go public. And I will get even.

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