Monday 21 November 2022

A neophyte twit

I decided some time ago that I was going to put the names of the bullies who are wrecking people's lives on Twitter. Did I do that?, I didn't. And now I hope that it isn't too late. 

I've got a Twitter account (miracles do happen!). As of this morning, I'm @Limerabbit44

Will this work? I've got no idea-but Thursday is Thanksgiving, so let me wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. It's a busy week for me, so I'm doing this early.

I'll be checking out Twitter later. Right now, I just wanted to join. Who knew?

I've also decided to put the really evil, malevolent, vicious gossips in my area and relegate them to the dustbin (garbage can). It's where they belong, after all.

Here's something that is profoundly interesting (to me, anyway). I could easily waste more of my time by going to the next useless committee meeting and telling them what I think of them. That wouldn't take long, but just because I can (I'd have to speak very slowly and use very small words), it doesn't mean that I should. 

I struggled with all this-payback, if you will-but it would be unnecessary and unhelpful. Because Baster is violent anyway, I'd be risking my neck telling these useless, malevolent cretins off. So I decided that it would be going in one ear and out the other-because there's nothing in between to stop it.

Another reason to be thankful - and I've got many, when I actually think about it - is that, when I stop and think rather than just reacting - wisdom takes over.

Like I said: just because I could easily annihilate them all with words, it doesn't mean that I have to. Blank them. Block their phone numbers (already done). Imagine that they don't exist.

Now here's an idea that comes from a friend of mine (too bad I didn't think of it years ago):

If you've ever been close to a camel - real life, not virtually - you will have been treated to the huge piles of camel dung and the accompanying horrendous, vomit-inducing stench. It' bad enough to make your eyes water and make you heave.

Camel dung is the food choice of maggots and blowflies. It doesn't really serve any other purpose, as far as I know. So I've told some of the older residents who have been offended or abused or threatened by Terry Baster (and his son) and Lorna Shannon-and their enabler, Sandy Pavlov, who encourages them - to do the following:
When they pass their flats, or see them, or hear them (hearing is the easy part. Baster and Shannon are so loud that they could wake the dead in Highgate Cemetery), just imagine that you're passing huge, stinking piles of camel dung. And hold your breath and keep moving.

Maybe that sounds gross, but I've been told by the older targets (older meaning in their 80s and 90s) that it really does work. It also makes them laugh.

So there you go. If people plague you, try the camel dung exercise. You'll not only have a really good laugh-you'll be doing breathing exercises, too.

Happy Thanksgiving, if I don't get back here before Thursday.

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