Wednesday 22 May 2013

And another thing

I heard about Angelina Jolie in the six am news on Tuesday, and I thought what a courageous woman she is to go public about a double mastectomy, even though she doesn't have breast cancer, only the gene (I have the same gene, BRCA-1). She certainly didn't need the attention.

Here is someone who seemingly has everything in life: fame, success, money, beauty, a loving family-and, of course, Brad Pitt. Yum.

Honestly, I salute Angelina-and on Tuesday I felt -well, not happy, but pleasantly surprised that someone at her level of fame would go public about something so personal, and a condition so nasty and so probable. I was never a huge fan of Angie/Brangie/whatever the two poor publicity hounded people are called these days. But nobody else at even close to that level would ever dream of doing that. We get so accustomed to famous people whining about everything-and all the attention-seeking-the less the talent, the greater the narcissism, it seems. Good for Angelina: I salute her.

Gotta go. People are starting to annoy me now. My blood pressure is taken hourly-and it keeps rising (so much it is nearly normal!!). Of course my pressure is rising!! Well, DUH!!!! No gold star for anyone on the staff who figures that one out (I think a lot of them are from that place that shall remain forever nameless. Sounds like essex).

I wonder what they do with the breasts once they remove them...just an interesting question to ponder. I thought in the middle of the night (because I couldn't sleep. No huge surprise there) that if this was 1939 and we were a little further east, someone would probably be making handbags. Suitcases if it was Katie Price (double F?), but me? Probably change purses.

I will get a karmic overload for that one!!

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