Tuesday 21 May 2013

When is a dongle not a dongle?

Easy answer: a dongle is not a dongle when it doesn't dongle. And that is why I have not been online for over a week. I bought this from T Mobile, thinking that I would be online in the hospital...no such luck. So I finally was able to sneak out yesterday afternoon and buy another one.One that works.

Whose bright idea was it to call it a dongle, anyway? It sounds like a contagious disease. Oh, he has a dongle. Poor thing. Is it contagious?

What a week it has been. I've seen the NHS at its worst. No kidding, on Thursday I will be fearing for my kidneys-and other body parts (worth a fortune on the black market, incidentally).

The admissions people couldn't organize a necrophiliac's convention in a mortuary. I could go on and on about that-but I won't. You get the idea: I have no patience with stupidity or incompetence, and I encountered both this week. Actually, I have no patience at all.

On Monday I had to come in for an MRI, and the tech destroyed the veins in my arm, so I am black and blue (mostly black) from fingers to elbow. Amazing that the films turned out okay, and that the same guy didn't MRI the walls and floor. Tuesday I had to drive my car to the garage for its service, and MOT so I can tax it for another year. The guys at the garage were great. I did tell them about the operation, and they said I could just leave the car there until I am able to drive it home. What stand up guys, my mechanics!!Wednesday I was admitted, had to wait three hours for the bed (the woman was supposed to be leaving, and decided to have a wash at the last possible second. That took two hours. She must have resembled a prune afterward). And then, at 3pm, I had to go for my PICC line.

It took 45 minutes to get the line into my arm and up and across into the tip of my heart. That hurt-although the doctor was very experienced and kept injecting me with a local anesthetic, it was very painful. Add to that the fact that his mobile phone kept ringing. I said, nice ringtone. He said, everyone keeps calling him-to which I replied, well, can you turn it off, or shove it in the microwave (I so wanted to tell him where to shove it, but I did have a wire in my arm going up to my heart. Even I'm not that foolhardy!!). So it was finally over, and his phone still kept ringing! I went back to the ward and needed painkillers for the next week; my arm was very bruised and swollen (he did warn me-in between checking his messages!!).

And that is how my week has been. I will almost be glad when I have surgery on Thursday-I will need the rest!!! And with a bit of luck, the cancer will all be removed. It's going to be a double mastectomy-and I will write more later, since a nurse is waiting to take my blood pressure. It's gone up since I've been here. I wonder why!! Duh!!!

More later. Let's see if she can find my arm!!

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