Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Stomach Has Landed

It's Wednesday, and my brain and stomach have touched down. They are both in the same time zone as my body. Hopefully.

So far, everything is going well. We had a couple of days of rain when I first arrived-as if I really noticed, I was off in deep space somewhere. And now we had sunshine and temperatures up into the 80s. That is more of a problem for me than rain and cold. Some people are never satisfied!

Today we took a road trip. I was a bit upset because someone has been trying to reach me on my mobile-and I rang back only to find that my last bunch of tests before I left showed pseudomonas. You can imagine how happy I wasn't! But I have the heavy duty antibiotic Ciprofloxacin with me (I was a girl scout: always be prepared), so I started a two week course today. When I get back, I will need to be retested to see if the pseudomonas is well and truly dead. As a dodo.

I asked John-who was totally in shock because I was calling him from my mobile in the USA-long distance-whether I can drink alcohol while on Cipro. He said absolutely-he said he would expect it, too! (He knew about the four Cosmopolitans. I will never live that down).

So Jessie and I went shopping in the afternoon, and I bought a few things I can't get over in the UK without selling my firstborn to do it. Shopping seems to improve my mood-only when I find a bargain- and I wonder how that happens.

I've been telling myself all day to stop worrying, to stop being fearful, and not to allow pseudomonas to ruin my very well deserved holiday. I'm still worrying, though, even though all I can do is take the two week course of Cipro and see what happens.

If all else fails, we will mix up a batch of Cosmopolitans and get wasted. Hang the pseudomonas!

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