Friday 20 June 2014

Winos of the world, unite

As you know, I had a couple of weeks that could try the patience of a saint-and drive anyone to drink. I'm still thinking about it-but glad these three weeks are over.

Everything seems to hinge on waiting: wait over an hour to see a doctor, wait eight hours to have a deceased computer picked up, then a few days later wait another eight hours to have the new one delivered. Wait, wait, wait-this is my life that is flying by at warp speed, and I spend it waiting for other people. Grrrr!!

Something good did happen, though-so I don't spend all my time complaining (really, I don't).

Last week I phoned McAfee and described the problem with my emails. The tech support lady spent an hour with me and uninstalled and reinstalled my virus program. She also scoured my computer and announced that I do not have any spyware or malware-or any unwanted programs, or viruses-but she was at a loss to explain the email problem. Sometimes I could read and send, most times I couldn't. She was going to refer me to another department, but there would be a charge to figure it out. And I had already gone to two computer shops within ten minutes walking distance-they were both talking about spyware, and hard disk problems, and wanted to charge me at least £100-probably more. I could see the light in both people's eyes-the light that said "we've got a sucker. Charge her as much as possible".

So I sat and contemplated. I ruminated. I considered. And then I thought-what if the problem is my browser? What if I switch off Internet Explorer (the McAfee tech had already reinstalled that, too) and make Google Chrome my default browser?

Did I get a lightbulb "aha, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment" when I discovered that I now have working emails! And I didn't have to pay the equivalent of $200-I only had to use my head. So-I thought that deserved a good bottle of wine, since I worked it out myself. Only-I don't drink much, so I now have £100 to spend on-something. I will figure that out later. Right now, I'm back online.

I've also been going back to the gym, getting ready for Race for Life next month. I'm walking my legs off-good thing I have the elbow crutch to keep me from toppling over.

Of course, me of little patience, I've been doing too much, since I haven't done anything for over a year.

Did you know that there are approximately 642 skeletal muscles in the human body-up to 800, depending on your source of information. And I think I have strained every single one of them. No kidding, I'm walking like I just lost my virginity (yes, I can remember back that far-it isn't something one forgets very easily).

I feel like a house fell on me.

So what am I doing now? I'm going back to the gym, of course. And here comes another, much bigger house.Am I a glutton for punishment, or what? Then I can come home and hit the Kettle Chips. My mother didn't raise an idiot, you know!

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