Monday 31 August 2015

Another fine mess...

Last Wednesday night I was so fed up with strip washing that I decided I just had to take a shower-and wash my hair. I know it was forbidden until Thursday, when the stitches would be removed and the dressing changed-but I just couldn't wait another day.

Strip washing: using a bowl, soap and a washcloth-just doesn't do it for me. It is right up there with my least favorite hospital things-like the food (recycled toxic waste, probably. Perhaps not even recycled), having a cannula shoved in my arm every day for ten days because they kept breaking my veins (oh, joy), and, of course, bedpans. Bedpans have to be at least number 2 on my hospital shit list, right after cannulation. I'm not into pain. Or wet. No thank you.

So I got into the shower, and stood with my back to the shower head, thinking that I could tilt my head back and wash my hair without getting the dressings wet. Er...wrong. I got everything soaked. But I'll tell you, I felt great. I felt human again. Little things-like showers, and feeling really clean-they do make a difference. I cheered up immediately. Only-I got out of the shower and held a towel to the dressings-no place else, just the dressings. You would have laughed. But the things stayed in place (more or less), and I went to the Royal Free on Thursday and had my infusions, then the dressings clinic, where I had the sutures and the dressings removed. I now need to return in two weeks, because that is when the team will begin to inject the ports with saline, stretching the expanders and the skin. Right now I have two very strange looking lumps on my chest; the doc on Thursday said that by Christmas everything should look very, very different. I hope so! I sure hope it will be worth all the pain. I must be nuts to have even considered this operation. But-too late!

When I got back from the hospital I noticed a letter from Barts and the London compliance department. I already knew what was in it (I must be psychic. Or I just know the hospital trust). I was told that Matt Buckland was within his rights to discharge me from the clinic, and that he was very polite to his legal team and the compliance team. Well, obviously. He was bullying, nasty, threatening and manipulative toward me, threatening to have me barred from the hospital altogether-so he is not only a liar but a complete asshole. And, funnily enough, I was neither surprised nor upset.

Buckland is going to be very compliant with his masters; they pay him (an exorbitant amount of money, that is for sure), so he has to be nice. In fact, if his masters tell him to stand in front of them, drop his pants and take a few for the team, you can bet that is what he will do. Anything for his paycheck. The other three will do the same (what a revolting thought THAT is!!).

Presumably the arrogant Matt "Bucky" Buckland then goes home, beats his wife, beats the crap out of his children, and then kicks the dog. If he has a dog, I hope the animal bites him. Hard. And I don't need to say where-but who knows if he even has one? Perhaps the children are someone else's.

I think I've had a lot of time to really consider all this, and to ask myself if the cripplers (Buckland, Longhurst, not-so Bright and Grigoriadou) are really worth my time. My time is valuable. My life is valuable- not to them, obviously, but to me-and to the people who care about me. And the answer has to be that they aren't worth squat. However, I do stand my ground when it comes to outing all four of them, because these are people who should not be practicing medicine. So I have the time, now that the surgery is over and I am finally starting to recover, to do a video, to send links to this blog and the video to everyone I know, and to ask everyone to pass the links on to all their friends, their facebook friends, their Twitter friends (oh, someone tell me how this twitter thing works!).

I've succeeded in embarrassing the hell out of the four cripplers, and that is a good start. They are on everyone's radar. If I can get other people to step up and do some complaining, then the hospital will have no choice but to take some action. And it isn't just the cripplers here at Bart's and the London. They are the only ones I know, but there are so many more - everywhere. Social media is a great platform to expose all those doctors who should be cleaning public toilets, not putting patients' lives at risk.

It would be so wonderful if someone, somewhere contacted me to let me know that a class action suit can be fought on behalf of gentamicin patients in this country; I know it happens in the U.S., but apparently not here. Time for gentamicin to be taken off the market.

Well, this is the first day I have not taken any painkillers, so I'm clearly getting better. It's time for the Kettle Chips...

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