Friday 4 November 2016

Is Donald Trump America's answer to Jimmy Savile?

I was going to make jokes about being at the hospital so often that I'm thinking about having my mail redirected. I was even going to make jokes about changing the nipple dressings and looking to see that it looks like I've sprung two cauliflowers on my chest. The horrible fact of this is that one is tiny (done by the junior doctor) and the other (done by Steve) is so large I might have to carry it around in a sling. Or a hoist. This is what happens when you are an NHS patient: assembly line/conveyor belt medicine. Bring them in, operate (or talk to them for five minutes), then get them out and bring in the next sucker (oops. I mean "patient", I mean "sucker").

But in the midst of all this medical palaver, what happened? The leaked email scandal happened. And, because this blog is not only about recovery from medical negligence but is also about what it is really like for an American to live in Britain, I have to say something. And say something I will.

Has anybody over there figured out that the REPUBLICAN head of the FBI deliberately instigated this witch hunt less than two weeks before the election? Nobody here has worked that out-but, of course, this is the home of brain-dead inbreds, so that is to be expected. I wonder how much Trump had to pay these FBI tossers to do this for him. Perhaps it's a case of quid pro quo if my people-MY people!! are stupid enough (or desperate enough) to elect the monster to the Presidency.

We had someone here called Jimmy Savile. Savile also hated women, made derogatory-and suggestive, and leering-remarks about young girls. Savile, however, was the BBC's golden boy (read that as "cash cow"). And Savile, who hosted a very popular show called "Jim'll Fix It", brought the viewership of the BBC up substantially, so everything he did was covered up.

Savile was a pedophile, a pervert, someone whose insatiable appetite for minors meant that he didn't just help children who wrote to him. He helped himself to those children, and others. Everyone at the BBC-all the management-actually now we know that there wasn't anyone at the BBC who didn't know that Savile was a sexual predator-covered up all his nasty, perverted activities.

Who suffered from Savile's lust for children? The children suffered. Because he was Jimmy Savile, people were afraid to speak out. And when the fertilizer finally hit the fan, Savile had the bad manners to die before he could be imprisoned. What a scumbag. And further investigations uncovered several other television and radio "personalities" who also sexually abused young people. Did it start with him making lewd comments about young girls? Who knows when or where it started. The point is, the Beeb knew and allowed it to go on (it probably still goes on now).

My point: Trump has made suggestive remarks on more than one occasion. He's a pig and a monster, and I'm wondering if he will go the Savile way. Will he get into the Oval Office and have his FBI friends procure (read that as "pimp") for him? Is he just a loud mouthed misogynist, someone who derides women (well, he is ugly. If he didn't have money, who would look twice at him without throwing up?), someone who obviously feels that all his money can buy the White House.

Can it? Is he right? He will make a mockery of the position of President - and, as it is, we are already the laughing stock of the rest of the world. Imagine him in the White House: anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-women's rights, anti just about everything that our country stands for. Imagine. He promises to bring back the steel industry (surely people in Ohio and Pennsylvania aren't THAT naive? Surely?? Please??). He's in bed with Putin, obviously. Nice bedmates-but better Putin than as many 14 year olds as he can get his creepy paws on.

What if he is more than just a redneck misogynist with a penchant for bullying and manipulating everyone he possibly can-and for pissing off everyone else? What if he turns out to be another Jimmy Savile? What if??

Everyone in power knew about Savile, and it was one of the most disgusting and disgraceful cover-ups in the history of the BBC (and the media at large. And small). And nobody protected those victims whose lives he destroyed. Nobody.

Nobody stopped the monster Jimmy Savile. Who is going to stop the monster Donald Trump?

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