Monday 7 November 2016

Where are we? At the wire, that's where...

One more day and we find out whether or not our country is finished. And here I thought that I'm living in Dipshit Central, land of the obnoxious, inbred and braindead. Oh, crap!

It was always the case that every trend seemed to start in the USA and then find its' way over to Europe. But something has happened. I wonder if someone left Europe and landed in the States with a contagious retard virus. How many people want to see that misogynist, bigoted, exceptionally nasty weirdo and pervert in the White House? Obviously I'm talking about Trump. I watched as his wife stood in front of the media and said that she will make a wonderful first lady, and she just loves, loves, loves the country. I wanted to vomit.

I don't even know-or remember-the name of Trump's wife. I just call her Malaria. Close enough. The thought of Trump and Malaria in the White House is sending reverberations around the world: either it is a vomiting virus or a reaction to Trump buying his way into the White's hard to tell.

Just think: millions of Americans will be committing suicide on Wednesday. And, because Trump feels that everyone should have a gun, the rest of them will be shooting each other. That'll cure overpopulation, that's for sure.

I'm just keeping my head down and hoping that Hillary wins tomorrow-not that it makes a difference to the fact that we are the laughing stock of the entire world. But-at least we would have a president who has experience and capability.

Meanwhile I am preparing to have a case of laryngitis that will last for the next four years (just in case). And I'm packing.

Anybody for Iceland?

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