Tuesday 31 January 2017

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall...

I know how he felt. I've been waiting to fall off for a couple of weeks now. Flu-the very nasty flu that I thought I'd escaped while everyone around me was coughing and choking and sounding like they were at death's door. That is what I get for being smug! It's been my turn. Humpty Dumpty indeed.

So I have been in bed, except for the hospital appointments that I couldn't change, and feeling very sorry for myself. Even my hospital nurses have been sick, and that is probably how I got this in the first place! And to add insult to injury, I was cautioned about the blog, which just happened to find its way to my new clinic at the Royal Free. No guesses as to who complained about it. That would be the Buckster, Matt Anti-Christ infantile abuser and general douchebag Buckland, now working out of the Royal Free. Good grief, I wish someone would run the pile of crap over, and save all those poor patients, not to mention the children at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Apparently, he is on his good behavior, and the staff think he is wonderful. Just wait until he reverts to type. Of course, the person who warned me said that I am entitled to have a blog, but I need to be careful about naming people, because that could cause the Trust to discharge me from care. I was very clear in my response: I'm happier and healthier (except for this flu!) since I left the Royal London, my team is terrific, and I haven't said anything nasty about anyone, only-one creature, and I reserve the right to tell the truth about him and the despicable way he behaved, not only toward me, but toward other patients, too. He can rot in hell (which, no doubt, he will, and the sooner the better for everyone), and I won't back away from telling the truth.

So, no names, although I did mention the oncologist and the plastic surgeon, but I said only good things about them. Why not? I think they are excellent consultants. But, in future, no names.

I have been warned.

While I've been lying around, coughing up lung tissue, sneezing and using up several boxes of Kleenex (I wish I had stock in the company, I would have made a fortune), I've been watching the news, which is probably a huge mistake. Trump hasn't been in the White House two weeks and he has already alienated everyone. Again. The man is mentally unstable, unfit and unqualified for the position of President, and he has brought all his other racist buddies with him. Even Bush wasn't hated as much as Trump-and Bush, well...we all know about Bush.

The Democrats have to get their act together, and soon, before that racist Trump starts a nuclear war. He'll be the cause of increased terrorist attacks everywhere, that's for sure. And who is going to pay for his bright idea, the wall between the US and Mexico? Is he going to cough up some of his own money? Hardly.

Has anyone worked out that the reason he didn't ban people from Saudi and the UAE (9/11 anyone?) is because he has business interests there? There is oil, of course, but I think that he's using his position as president to line his own pockets. I'd bet on it, and I don't bet on anything.

So that's me, cough cough, sneeze, sneeze, but this week is better than last week, so perhaps I'm on the mend. I'm cautiously optimistic-although it seems that when I'm cautiously optimistic, some other disaster happens.

It's Kettle Chips for me....and Starbucks.

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