Saturday 21 January 2017

Where is Lee Harvey Oswald now that we really need him?

Oh, please-if you have to shoot a President-couldn't you shoot this one? Yesterday should have been declared a national day of mourning-flags flying at half mast, black shrouds covering windows, people throwing up in the streets-oh, but weren't people throwing up in the streets?

Did I watch the inauguration? Seriously? Watch while an ignorant, racist, immature (look at his Twitter feeds. Does he seem like he has the maturity of a six year old?), misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, anti-black, a liar, hypocrite, pervert-the country's premier douchebag-and he now has the nuclear codes. Did I miss anything?

What could possibly go wrong??

I didn't think much of Obama-I thought he was a mediocre president, although I did like Michelle, who really stepped up and did some good work. But this overblown, pasty-faced cretin? And his trophy wife (Malaria) who only needs to open her mouth and the world can see that she has the brains of a cannoli. Eeeesh!! Next thing you know they'll redecorate the White House to the Trump Tower standard: vulgar, ostentatious, and probably gold leaf everywhere. Someone will film the Oval Office and we'll see diamante (rhinestones, let's call them what they are), gold leaf, and anything and everything that screams lots of money but absolutely no taste whatsoever.

I was glad to see that right-thinking people everywhere have been demonstrating against this scum sucking reptile and his equally racist friends. I hope that people continue to do so, because he needs to be constantly reminded that he is the most reviled creature in American history. I always thought that Bush (GW-but probably the other one, too) was really scraping the bottom of the barrel. But now-someone has come along and lowered the bottom of the barrel.

I predict that after (possibly even during) the monster's first hundred days, the people who had the extremely bad judgment to vote him into power will be wanting to shoot him. Perhaps they should shoot themselves, because they voted for him.

There goes America. There goes the United States. Want to "make America great again"? We can only do that if we rid ourselves of the scourge of Donald Trump.

Next up is the Inaugural Ball. That's going to be fun, to see how many people with both brains and taste (and judgment) avoid it like the plague. Malaria will stand there, waiting for pasty-face to put his hand behind her back and wind her up. As for him, put him in a tuxedo and he'll look just like a constipated penguin with a bad combover.

I would say that everyone who cares about my country should leave, but don't come to this one. It's just as bad. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. In fact, the left hand doesn't even know where to find the right one.

Well-there is always Iceland. But now I'm thinking somewhat further afield. I wonder what Tahiti is like at this time of year...

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