Saturday 6 January 2018

New Year's resolutions one, two-and maybe three

All hail 2018-new year, new start, and whatever. Have I actually made any resolutions? Well, sort of. Maybe. That's a yes. 

I decided to leave 2017 behind-it was, as a year goes, absolute crap. So good riddance. I can tell you how difficult it is to leave the past where it belongs: in the past. But it's a work in progress. 

Not living the same life in the same way-letting go of old grievances, and resolving to really make an effort to be less judgmental and angry, that's more difficult than it sounds. 

Do things differently. When we think of resolutions, we think of going to the gym, and going on a diet, and stopping procrastination, and all that good stuff-and how long does it take to break the resolutions? About a week-or less. So I decided to be much more vague: do things differently. That covers just about everything. Eat better? Better than what, a hippopotamus?
Exercise more? Walking is about the best exercise you can do-and it's free. No gym memberships, no guilt about spending all that money and not going-walk. Get hand weights. Lift weights. Easy peasy. Once you start, and you keep going, it becomes a habit.

Now-procrastination is another thing altogether. So many books have been written about putting an end to procrastination-I would read one, but I can't be bothered. 

Who knows what's going to happen? We've got those two emotionally constipated, infantile maniacs hurling threats at each other...Trump, what on earth! He and that pasty-faced fat oaf, Kim Jong Wanker (okay, it isn't his name, it's my nickname for him), behaving like a couple of four year olds sitting in a sandbox throwing things at each other: na na na na na, mine is bigger than yours, wanna fight? And the problem is that Trump has the nuclear codes. He'll press the button just because he's like a big baby, wanting his own way, and he'll start a war that will annihilate most of the planet. Makes sense? Seriously? I don't know what Malaria sees in him-apart from all his money, of course. Just the thought of having sex with that makes me want to vomit. Some women will do anything for money.

So resolution one is to live life differently; that means different things to different people, and you can get away with a lot by being vague. Resolution two, however, is very specific.

I decided last year (about ten days ago) that I'm not going to hold grudges, I'm going to let go of the anger I still feel toward the three cripplers (Longhurst, Grigoriadou, not so Bright) and that malicious thug (and probably spouse beater)Matt (Bucky) Buckland. In fact, I'm working on just not being angry with anyone, no matter how justified (at least to me) my anger may be, given the history (which you know). They're all enjoying life as they cripple and/or kill other unsuspecting patients, without a care in the world, but it's their victims that suffer. We suffer more if we hang onto our anger. It's really true that anger hurts the victim a lot more than the perpetrator. The best revenge is to be happy, whatever the circumstances.

That is a huge undertaking, but perhaps it is really the only way to live a happy life. And that includes getting rid of anyone who dumps all their stuff on you. I've got an acquaintance I've known for about ten years (ex-neighbor) who has called me many times and kept me on the phone for over an hour, complaining about his lousy life, and his rotten family, and the rotten world, and how everyone on Facebook tells how happy they are. After hearing this for years, making suggestions (don't look at Facebook, you idiot) to help, I finally decided that this person is poisonous. Really, when you leave a conversation feeling used and annoyed, it's time to rid yourself of the toxic person-and all toxic people. They use you as a repository for their moaning and bitching, but they never actually do anything to change their situation.

Resolution two: I'm not Mother Teresa. I'm not the Samaritans. If someone who isn't a good friend (I'll always be here for my friends, no matter what)tries to dump all their garbage on me, I'll tell them I'm going to charge them for the consultation. Then hang up the phone. Easy peasy (I hope).

And that brings us to Resolution number three.The usual stuff: eating decently, not eating twice my weight in junk food (or any food, for that matter), exercising more, meditating, doing things as they need to be done without putting everything off until the end of the century, not holding onto anger or holding grudges-those I've already covered. But I haven't covered giving up.

Resolution number three is the most important of all: never, ever, ever give up. Never quit. There are many times I've been tempted, but I just keep telling myself that I might not win, but I will never lose-unless I quit. Never give up. 

The best thing that can happen is that you'll succeed-and, besides, you might outlive the opposition. I call that a bonus.

Happy New Year. I'm going to Starbucks (I never said I would give up Starbucks-one from at least one food group. And who cares anyway?).

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