Friday 21 July 2023

Crashing and Burning: The rise, fall and rise again of yours truly

 I'm dragging myself around and feeling like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. It's been like that since I last wrote. 

You would hope that all the consultants would see me on the same day-in the same week-but no, that would be an ideal world. An ideal world would be not having to see any consultants at any time-ever. But I am getting closer. I've been informed that the vestibular condition is quite permanent; the dizziness is chronic, I should make sure that someone is caring for me just in case I catapult myself down the stairs again. As if!

I'm relatively discharged from anything to do with neuro-otology. The consultant feels that there is nothing more that can be done. Such optimism is so encouraging. I've got an appointment with him next May. So I've got some time to prove that he's very, very mistaken. Unless I'm living in cloud cuckoo land, I've got a few months to increase the amount and duration of my eye exercises. I also really need to have a positive attitude to prove everyone associated with vestibular medicine that I can heal myself, and that I'm not giving up. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.

This week I went along to another hospital to have the loop recorder removed from my chest. The loop recorder was inserted nearly four years ago; it isn't a pacemaker, but merely a heart beat monitor. Every time I had a tachycardia attack it measured the number of heartbeats and the length of the attack. It was incredibly valuable; I had the ablation-the first one that failed-because the attacks were dangerously long, and increasingly frequent. Same again for the second ablation. But the battery decided to die a few months ago, and the thing was sitting in my chest, deceased (thank goodness it was deceased, and I'm not!). So I made enough noise to have it removed. 

That was a laugh. The person who removed it was a nurse, being trained in loop recorder removal, and she kept losing the part that needed to be pulled in order to remove the whole thing. She kept digging. I finally asked whether she was used to doing these procedures. All she did was glare. So I decided that discretion being the better part of valor meant: shut up.

That was on Wednesday. On Thursday morning I did a route march into the West End-and I bought a new laptop. My old one was twelve years old, was brilliant, and I used it every day. But it expired just before lockdown. So I had to use my phone-and then the library's computers. The problem with going to the library is that a lot of people are thinking the same thing, so I have to get there when they open. Another problem is that-and I learned this from actually seeing it for myself, which was disgusting-people will wipe their noses with their hands and then use the keyboard. Gross. Made me wonder what else they wiped with their hands before (and, in some cases, during) using the keyboard. I always used an antibacterial wipe before I used the computer. Ewww... but I finally went to get my own. Hooray-that's all I have to say.

Actually, it isn't all I have to say-because I now have to figure out how to use it! It isn't like my old one. This one requires double-tapping. Double-tapping!! What????

You see where I said rise again. I now have to use the little grey cells and sit patiently-and we all know that I was born without patience-to work out what is supposed to go where. I have to admit that sitting and getting used to a brand new computer that doesn't behave the way my old one did-fourteen years ago!!-is going to be a challenge. I've always been up for a challenge. Now I've got several. 

I'll let you know how it goes. It's possible that it's going to drive me to drink...

Friday 7 July 2023

Fight Club...Fight Week...Fight Life

 Now is when I really needed my suit of armor, shield and sword. Maybe a very large hammer. Last week I went into battle-unarmed except for my strong and sometimes very blunt tongue. And did it work? Hell, no, I'm still in combat. I seem to be always in combat.

A week ago (Monday) I decided to cancel an order for a sofabed from a store called John Lewis. If you live here (my sympathies) and shop here, You'll know the store. You'll also know that the employees pride themselves on good service, good merchandise, etc, etc. Everybody wants to be upmarket. Except- they aren't.

I cancelled the order on the Monday, and that started a ridiculous amount of time trying to get a refund. I realized that, when it comes to John Lewis, the left hand doesn't know (or care) what the right hand is doing. Every day (including infusion day) I was on the phone, chasing customer service for a refund (nearly £800, so I wasn't going to let it go). Every day I was given a different story-and it was a load of BS, because all they had to do was issue a refund.

On Monday it will be an incredible two weeks since this fight began. I've been in combat mode for nearly two weeks, and JL refuses to issue a refund. And there is no excuse that holds up. I did everything right (I know. I checked. You know by now how much I believe in doing my due diligence). The only thing for me to do is to present myself in the Oxford Street store and refuse to leave until the idiots involved issue a refund. And I told the last person I spoke to yesterday that if I have to do a day trip to John Lewis, I will be very loud-and I will call the tabloids for some backup. So let's see what happens. I'll let you know.

What I find interesting is the fact that people in this country are very quick to take advantage of older people (especially women), and they see someone who is on an elbow crutch and clearly has a mobility challenge- and they will take full advantage of that person. I thought, after so many years, that this only happens here. The truth is that it happens everywhere. 

So I was on strike on Independence Day, and I hope that everyone celebrated! I contacted everyone at home to wish them a happy 4th-as I always do-but I felt like I missed something this year. I did: fireworks! Oh, dear-I'm out of fireworks. July 4th just doesn't seem the same. So in November-when fireworks are sold to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day-I'll just replenish my stock.

Every year-up until the pandemic hit us all- I went with a small group of friends to the nearby park, found an open space (so we wouldn't set the place on fire), and set off fireworks. People actually enjoyed it-and we made sure that we cleaned up quickly and left before we were caught (fireworks on any other day but November 5th are illegal and someone could get arrested. Murderers get off-but anyone celebrating July 4th-well, that's a terrible crime),

So we're now up to date, and I will keep you updated on the John Lewis combat story. Always stick up for yourselves. Always. It's pretty likely that nobody else will.