Wednesday 9 August 2023

Crashing and Burning: Only the Strong Survive

 I'll say one thing about life: it's never boring. Even when I think it's boring, something invariably happens to liven things up. 

There I was, with my lovely new laptop, ready to have a go-with no instructions, either-so-either brave or foolhardy. But it didn't matter, because I collected it, struggled to get it home without doing my back in (or falling over)-and bang! Wallop! It was flu. Not Covid. Flu. Not even something exciting, just garden variety flu. Struck down by the bloody flu. Grrr...

So that's where I've been since I last wrote. All around me, people were dropping like flies. Every time I turned on the newsfeed, every time I listened to the news, it was either one tragedy or another or-someone well known reeled over and croaked. And some of them were young (ish), too.

I've been in a real crap mood for the last few days: irascible, short-tempered, like a snapping turtle. Last night I figured out the problem: scan back thirteen years to the same three days, and you'll find that the incompetent morons at the Royal London immunology department vey nearly killed me. Gentamicin. The dirtiest word in my vocabulary (not that I know many, I just keep repeating them over and over again).

I do find it difficult to let go of that whole situation and the resulting injustice of it all. I know that I have to let go in order to move on-but on days when it's raining, or the barometric pressure outside changes-and this is London, so the weather never stays the same for long-I stagger all over the place. The answer to will I either get a ground floor apartment or someone to help me-absolutely not. Not yet, anyway. I just refuse to give up. 

I said that I want to have a t-shirt made-a copy of the one I saw a few weeks ago. It said:

I do not spew profanity. I enunciate perfectly. I'm a fucking lady. 

That was so funny that I sent it to one of my friends-the one who would find it funny. I might have one made for her for Christmas-if I can find someone who will make the t-shirt for me. I had a brilliant store years ago, they would put just about anything on a t-shirt. But-they're in New York. A long commute.

So that brings us up to date-for now, anyway. My hope is that I will be able to stay healthy from now on. I got the look from the clinic when I went to have my infusions: it said: where is your mask??

Meanwhile, I'm going to do my best to keep my mouth shut and stay out of trouble. We all know just how long that's going to last!

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