Saturday 20 April 2013

Pass the prunes-and the sick bag, please!

I received a comment from someone (identity unknown) who said that she has no eating disorders, but her mother keeps trying to shove her full of cod liver oil, because it is "good for her". So she decided to practice projectile vomiting...and she hit both walls, the floor and the dresser. Too funny. Apparently this bloggee also tweets. I don't tweet. I can only imagine starting a trend!

To the bloggee/tweetie: thank you for your kind words. You are very strange. It's okay, I like strange, as long as you don't show up on my doorstep. And don't tell your mom I approve!!

My dear friend Jessica's husband works abroad. He spends a year overseas and returns for one month a year-which to me is the perfect relationship: no arguments for 12 months, how great is that!! I'm more than a bit cynical about marriage: after many years, I wasn't suicidal, I was homicidal. So I sprinted for the exit, and it's one of the best things I ever did. Men would benefit from a good slapping every so often. Some should be slapped daily.

Jessica's husband decided that she should keep a budget of all monthly expenses; eventually he will finish his contract and return home permanently (it's okay, I've got a spare room for her), and he wants to know exactly what she spends every month. Well-dogs, cats, a house that needs things like new pumps, boilers, and other bits and pieces that drop off - things need doing, and he really has no right to complain, since he isn't there to oversee the work.

Now he said that two people can live as cheaply as one. I nearly gagged on that one, and I said the first thing that came into my mind: yes, two people can live as cheaply as one-but only if one of them is dead.

I'm thinking of making that into a bumper sticker.

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