Monday 5 August 2013

From strange to weird to downright sick, perverted and dangerous

What a week!! Thursday was just about the hottest day of the year so far-and, at the risk of sounding like I have the English disease of constantly moaning about the weather, it was a scorcher! It was in the 90s, and you could have stuck a skewer through me, put me over the road (who needed a fire??), basted me, kept turning until I was done, put an apple in my mouth-and got stuck in. Yum-if you are that way inclined (I'm not, I'm glad to say!!). You get the idea.

Thursday marked ten weeks since my surgery-and I look back and I admit to being happy and relieved that it is now and not ten weeks ago. I would not want to undergo that level of pain (and uncertainty)again. Ever. So I marked the occasion by going to see a psychic. That is the strange and weird part-and I will get back to it in a little bit. There are still more days to cover!!

On Friday afternoon, I went to the hospital to pick up my prostheses, which had just arrived. I call them my "bra stuffers"-because that is exactly what they are. I needed to buy two mastectomy bras so it looks like I actually have a normal chest (mastectomy bras have little pockets for the prostheses so they don't fall out when you bend over. That would be embarrassing!!). So that was an okay day. Once I get over the nasty side effects of the Tamoxifen (hopefully soon), I will have more energy and fewer bouts of hot flushes-so days are okay, but not great. Still, it beats having cancer!!

And this brings us to yesterday (I will get back to Thursday, but not yet. This you need to hear).

Yesterday I decided to go to the Unitarian Church-I will not be able to go for awhile, since I am in the hospital next week, and I will be on crutches for awhile. So I thought I would go and say hello (and goodbye) to people. And-I went a bit early so I could stop for a coffee before the service.

It was nice and quiet, and only 9:30 in the morning, so I thought I would take my coffee into Highbury Park, which was on my way to church. I sat on a bench, minding my own business and enjoying the peace and quiet-and I'll bet you can guess what happened next: sick, perverted and downright dangerous. If you guessed that, right you are-and I didn't think of it at the time, or I would never have sat on my own in the park in such a dodgy area.

I was in mid-swallow, as it were, and this black man rolled up on his bike, stopped in front of me, looked me over, and asked directions to the underground station. I gave him the directions, and he started telling me that I looked "nice", and that he likes older women-especially older white women (his words). How old are you? he asked. I replied it's none of your business. Then he started. Are you married? Yes, I said-now leave me alone, I'm not interested.

He then proceeded to expose himself, telling me that he could make me very satisfied. I told him he's disgusting, and said to put it away, I didn't want him. He kept on, and waved it my I got up and started to leave. I wanted to tell him to f*** off, and make fun of him-but I realized that there was nobody around, I was on a walking stick, this man (maybe in his early 30s, whatever-old enough to know better) could knock me to the ground and I was too fragile to defend myself...and, add to that, the guy was most definitely a sick pervert and potentially dangerous. Definitely a perv and nutter, and I wanted to escape as quickly as I could. So I used my stick and strode purposefully to the exit, alert to the fact that he could come up behind me. He kept calling for me to come back, and kept asking my name. I just kept going-and in about two minutes I was crossing the road. I only looked back when a bus rolled past me and I was about 100 yards from the entrance to the park. He wasn't to be found-thankfully.

That could have been a really dangerous encounter. He could have been on drugs, could have been psychotic-he could have had friends with him, and I would have had no chance. I just withered at him, stood up and walked away-the best thing I could have done, in my view. Actually, the best thing I could have done would have been to drink my coffee while walking down the road and avoiding the solitary park altogether. I won't make that mistake again-but then, I won't be able to get to church for at least six weeks (the next three will be spent in the hospital. Hopefully there won't be pervs in there, too!!!

I didn't say anything to anyone at church about what happened. There was no point, after all. So I hope this week gets better; what a way to start a week!!!!

And that brings me back to Thursday and the psychic. I used to date a man who was a medium-or so he said. He was just an idiot. Not a psychic, or a medium: an idiot. Obviously that was a glitch in my relationship resume, and it didn't last long. But he did introduce me to some psychics-most of whom got nothing right at all. So when it came to seeing this man, I was doubtful-but I went anyway, just to see if he got anything at all. Surprisingly, he did.

Bill said he had my mother there... a few people who didn't ring any bells at all, got my love for was interesting, because there were some hits among the misses-but a lot of misses. He was telling me I love gardening (eeek-not in a million years), and that I like to sing (that part is true), and that I love hymns (whaaat??) and have a fascination for nuns (pardon??). But he did get parts of my personality spot on- and picked up on the cancer (I hadn't told him) and that I will be having more surgery (I hadn't told him that, either). It was an interesting experience-especially when he asked if my cousin (I actually gave his name and asked Bill if he picked up on anything) had died of very bad chest or heart pain. My cousin was a soldier who died by being shot in the chest-and there was no way he would have known that, so I found that was - shall we say, different?

I'm glad I decided to go to see Bill-and I might go again at some point, to see what else he picks up. He also said I should be doing what he's doing...altogether a somewhat rewarding visit, I think!!

And this week I need to get ready to go into the hospital, and to finish getting my place ready for my friend's arrival on Thursday. I'm nervous. I'm apprehensive. I got over one nasty surgery only to have another-although this one is elective, and the last one came as a big surprise!! My computer will be coming with me, so I will be blogging while I'm there (not like there will be anything else to do until they operate), and hopefully I won't be bothered by another set of nutters. I've seen off enough nutters!

I suppose it's asking too much to just have a quiet life!!

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