Tuesday 20 August 2013

Some you win, and some you don't-obstinacy is a good thing!!

I was moved out of the room yesterday-but I was moved just across the hall, same private ward. It's a very small, dark room-and things need to be fixed (lights not working, and stuff like that)-but it comes with a small bathroom, and that is the important thing.

A few nurses are walking around with their noses so far in the air, I am surprised they haven't fallen over and knocked themselves unconscious. But I got what I wanted (and needed): a clean, private room that will be safe enough after surgery this afternoon, and I can probably keep the room until I go home.

It pays to be obstinate. It works to be persistent, and not allow yourself to be bullied or intimidated by anyone or anything!! Personally, if members of the staff are rude (they are, very) I don't give a rat's patootie. I'm here for the rest of my stay, courtesy of the NHS. It's about time I got something out of them!!!

I saw Val last night, and Mr. Skinner about an hour ago. I'm still not sure what he is going to do-but I did say that I don't want to go through another operation like this in my lifetime-so when I awaken in recovery later, I will know if he heard me or not. This is the NHS; unless you go private, you don't even know who is doing the surgery. I did ask him if he will do it himself, and he said he would...and, after the gentamicin incident three years ago, I really have trouble trusting anyone in the NHS.

I will be unconscious. For all I know, I could be operated on by a chimpanzee.

I am learning a lot about myself, what I will tolerate and what I won't tolerate-and the latter list is much longer than the former!! I'm not sure if I have age and experience to thank-or cancer-or all three. But I see myself as becoming far more formidable, and I've had enough of  taking crap from people. You have to fight for what you know is right...sometimes you succeed, and sometimes you don't - but at least you make the effort.

When they are rude to me here-I just think to myself: aren't you a total ***hole!!! And I smile. Because I won.

Time to get ready for - whatever. I have an arrow drawn on my leg; I suppose they need to remember which one they are operating on!!

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