Tuesday 3 September 2013

oxycodone: drug choice of champions (and me)

Very sorry if you thought I was dead-of course, I'm very glad I'm not dead, but the last two weeks since surgery I thought the pain was going to kill me off.

I went off to surgery two weeks ago (today)-and I just had a sneaky feeling that I wasn't going back to the Newman (private patients) ward. I just had that feeling that I was lied to, just to get me to surgery. And-I was right.

I ended up in Intensive Care for the night-nothing exciting, all surgical patients end up there, so their vital signs can be monitored. I was given oxycodone for the pain-intravenously-and that worked really well. I still felt pain, but I was too sleepy and too out of it to care!!

The next day I was told I was returning to the Angus MacKinnon ward-exactly where I didn't want to go, given the complaints I'd made about the ward, the nurses, the care..so I said no thank you. And the bed manager, Craig, was called in to smooth things over. After about four hours, he came back with an offer: if I would return to MacKinnon, the bathroom would be cleaned, signs put up-and the nurses would see every patient plus visitors to tell them not to use the room because it was reserved for someone who was highly contagious (I love that bit. Would you use a bathroom if that is what you were told? I wouldn't. But read on..).

The nurses didn't pay a blind bit of notice. And this time, they were overtly hostile. After all, I had complained-and named names. So I was told they wouldn't be adhering to this, and that if I wanted a private room I should have gone to a private hospital. I responded by saying that if I got any kind of infection, they would all be held accountable. And I relayed all this to Craig. Happy days.

One nurse offered me a commode (fancy name for bedpan) that I could have in the room; she said they would give me a bowl and I could have a wash that way. I asked if they were going to do this for seven days-I asked what century they were in-and I asked if they were planning on giving me a tent to go with the commode and the bowl-perhaps a camping stove, so I could just move out into the car park? They didn't find that funny, and I let them know I thought they were morons. Not a good way to spend seven days!!

When I got out-finally-on Wednesday night, the nursing sister accompanied the transport ambulance driver -and me- to the exit. I think she wanted to make certain I was really leaving. Nursing sister: that's like a head nurse, but without the pay, the ability, or the brains. Anyway, off I went.

So here I am, and did I put in a formal complaint with everyone of any significance? Come on, is the Pope Catholic? You bet I complained. I think I gave poor Craig an ulcer!

I've continued on the oxycodone since Wednesday-but it doesn't have much of an effect now. So I've been in bed since Wednesday, and I've been too sick and in too much pain to write-or eat-or write nasty emails to anyone!!

But hey, here I am, I'm back....and I'm staying back!! And I still have a lot of the mixed nuts Andy brought me. I can honestly say that I don't want to see another almond, or hazelnut, or brazil nut, or any kind of nut-until Christmas. 2016!

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