Friday 27 September 2013

Still alive, still kicking (only with one leg, and carefully!)

Nope, not dead yet. In spite of the best efforts of the medical community and the NHS, I am still very much alive!! Clearly, I am just very hard to kill...

I know I haven't been online for two and a bit weeks-and they have been two very difficult weeks, too. After my last post, I had to start physiotherapy at the London branch of the RNOH-at Bolsover Street, so it is much closer to the house. And that went well, although it was difficult and painful. My physio, Ollie, showed me how to use the crutches properly. He said that the people at Stanmore gave me bad information-well, no surprises there, as we now know!!

But-my balance and my eyesight have really deteriorated, and I threw a wobbler last week and nearly ended up under a bus. That was close; someone I knew grabbed me just before I fell. Imagine going through these awful five months, only to be splattered all over the road and have to be scraped up by a spatula. And it wasn't even an upmarket bus, either!!

Ollie said to do my exercises-and I have been doing those, since I don't want to be limping for the rest of my life! He also said I should rest as much as possible, since I need to recover from two operations, not just one. Good point.

And-you will like this (but not a lot): I have to gain weight. Yes, I am just over 100 pounds now-I think I haven't weighed this little since I was 12-but I have been given orders by-well, just about everyone.

On Monday I saw both Margaret (GP) and Coletta, the dietician. They both said that my BMI is far too low, and that is why I am too exhausted to do anything. I asked if I am in danger of going down the plughole along with the bathwater-bad joke, I know, and they thought so, too. So I have to eat more, eat more often, and all that stuff. My friend NJ said I shouldn't expect any sympathy, because most people want to lose weight, not gain it!

Margaret also said that the lighter I am, the greater the chance of developing osteoporosis. That made me very nervous. Imagine - I have a choice. I can stay very thin but have a huge risk of sneezing and breaking a hip-or I can gain a few pounds...hmmm, I need to think about this a bit!

While I am thinking, I am going to risk life and limbs and get out the old crutches and go up the road to Starbucks for a nice big cappuccino. Lots of calories-and I get to people watch, so if I find anything funny (and I usually do), I will report back.

I said I was back last time, and that was a bit premature. But I am really and truly back-even if I do look like a bag of bones!! I might as well enjoy it for as long as it lasts....

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