Tuesday 19 November 2013

Once again, into battle...unforseen but as usual!!

Whenever I say I'm back-something happens. Sometimes I feel that the anti-destination league is in full force (not to mention Mr. Murphy and his bloody law!!!).

It rained. And rained. And rained so much that the thought of an ark building course was beginning to look more than just a little attractive!! And I got flu. And some imbecile crashed into me and I spent a week with my bad leg on pillows...it has just been one of those two and a half week periods that was very, very testing!! But it's done, my leg is better, we have something that resembles sunshine today (tomorrow it is supposed to rain, unfortunately), so here I am, ever the pessimistic optimist (or optimistic pessimist, depending on your point of view).

On Halloween afternoon I checked my emails..and would you believe it, there was an invitation from my ex-husband to join his group on LinkedIn. Now that is what I call an anti-social network. Of course, I was intrigued, so I clicked on the invitation only to be informed it had been withdrawn.

Now this is a man who was (and probably still is) a nasty, manipulative, antisocial bully who spent years torturing me emotionally. He never hit me, but I felt too weak and exhausted to leave him. That makes me a bit of a twit, doesn't it? Yes, for sure. When I finally had enough abuse and walked out, I was told that he would be out on the street before he would let me have a penny, even though we had worked together for nearly all our married life. Imagine his shock when I told him to shove everything (guess where?), I was leaving anyway. So it was not an amicable divorce. I think he probably had a doll made and stuck pins in it every night.

I scrolled through the emails and found a second invitation-same thing, same person-and I clicked on it, figuring I would delete it afterward. Lo and behold, I was informed that we were now friends. Friends!! I'd rather have malaria.

So I emailed him and said I got his invitation, and does this mean we are no longer mortal enemies? In a flash, I got an email back, telling me that  the invitation was a mistake, he hit the wrong key, and he wants absolutely no communication with me whatsoever (whatsoever was two words. He never could spell worth a damn). If it was a mistake, why did he do it twice? What a total ass.

So I phoned my sister Jessica, who couldn't believe I even responded. She always thought he was a total jerk. Jessie has more common sense than I do (and she's my little sister!!). What did you expect? she asked. An apology, I said. That sounds ridiculous, even to me.

I'm still kicking myself for falling for that -whatever it was-lapse of brains on his part, or whatever. And lapse of sense on my part for even responding.

Bloggees, you live and you learn....some of us learn more slowly than others.

What can I say? If not for Monty Python and marijuana, I wouldn't have made it through high school...

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