Thursday 12 February 2015

Do not pass go -- and why bother?

Well, I changed my mind again. I don't need to worry about going straight to Hell-I live there already! And I can tell you-it's very, very cold. I'm bloody freezing!

Here I am complaining about the cold weather-and all my friends back home would laugh at me. Compared to some parts of the States, we are in the middle of a heat wave. So no more moaning from me-the solution is layering. The problem is, I wear thermals, a t-shirt, another t-shirt, a fleece - and my coat is supposed to be wind and waterproof. Thinsulate, they call it. What a crock. I walk outside and I'm shivering. So much for thinsulate. Huh. My friend in Canada told me that she wears thermals, more thermals, a fleece jacket (much heavier than mine), two wool scarves, a big furry hat (I'll bet she looks like Trapper John), thermal leggings, thick tights, thick ski pants, moon boots (I just about choked on that. Moon boots? She said they're really warm. I'm not going to criticize her for being so 80s), thick socks, and a coat that is like a full-length duvet. So she ends up looking like a walking duvet. She said that people laugh at her. They also look like they are suffering from hypothermia, and she is as warm as toast. Of course, she can't move her arms -but such a small price to pay for not contracting pneumonia.

I had a week. Just-a week. My neighbor is 78, and she is her husband's sole carer. They are both poorly, so I visit and check up on them as often as I can. She was very upset-seems like AgeUK, the UK charity for older people, has lost its funding from the London Borough of Haringey-and a lot of services will need to be cut if they are to survive. Funding must be found from somewhere.

So that is the initiative I mentioned last week: to find a way to keep all the services intact. Those include a dementia group, social groups, advice, and more I don't even know about. I thought of writing a petition. Petitions work if they're done properly. I stood in front of the congregation on Sunday and spoke about this-and it makes me really angry, because we are talking about a large part of the population that is completely ignored. There was very little interest. I was disappointed, but not surprised.

I met with the powers that be over at AgeUK on Monday. Of course, they didn't want to say much, since I'm not a member and they don't have a clue who I am. I just went on behalf of my friend. And they shot down every idea I had: online petitions? Hmm (they said). Interesting. Get London Citizens involved? Hmm. And who are they? (they asked). The media? Hmm. They said. Too political. AgeUK isn't about politics. Hello, I said, we are coming up to a General Election. People will fall all over themselves to get votes. Hmm. They said. We don't want anything to do with politics. But you can sit in on our next meeting while we plan our next move. Hmm. I thought. What next move is that?

Ahh, the frustration!! And this is what I get for volunteering. For anything. I might leave this Unitarian church-just because I don't seem to be able to light a fire under anyone when it comes to human rights. No wonder Andy was so keen for me to take over. Arghhh!!!

I need a vacation. A long one. Maybe for years...-

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