Wednesday 4 February 2015

Go straight to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars

I'm definitely going to Hell. Why? Because yesterday it snowed-that was how it began (the snow isn't sending me to a warmer climate). And we in the USA know how to deal with snow-but here they don't. One hundredth of a millimeter of snow and everything stops. It could be very entertaining-except that the local authorities don't believe in gritting the roads or sidewalks. Every time it snows, you see people in plaster for weeks afterward.

Well-yesterday I was due for my dental appointment (fine, by the way. At least I have something that works). It was early, there was snow on the ground, and I was told by two council workers that Haringey had run out of grit for roads and pavements. They ran out - last year. Clever, eh?

So I'm walking up the road-very carefully!- and some idiot pushed the person behind me, then came up behind me and pushed me out of his way, too. Move, you old cow, he snapped-nearly knocking me flat. I should be used to that kind of behavior by now, but it never ceases to amaze me. The man took five or six steps-and didn't see the patch of ice in front of him.

Bang! Splat! Down he went, and it was a joy to behold. I, of course, started to laugh: poetic justice, I thought. What goes around really does come around. I think he might have broken his arm-he certainly broke his nose, because there was blood pouring out of it. He just lay there, stunned and bleeding.

So the woman behind me-on a walking stick and clearly rather old and frail-also began to laugh. We both stood there and - just laughed. There wasn't anything either of us could do-except ring for an ambulance if he couldn't get up. Then he looked at me and snapped: well help me up, you old cow. Awww...not conducive to getting someone to help, was it? So I looked him in the eye, smiled, and said "kiss my ass, broken nose. Too bad you didn't break your neck". And with that, I helped the elderly lady step in the road (so she wouldn't get run over), and helped her up to the corner. We did turn and look around-nobody else helped him, either.

So I must be going to Hell for not helping some miserable horse's ass who was quite prepared to knock over two women on walking sticks-in snow and ice- actually, thinking about it, why would I be the one to go to Hell anyway? At least it would be warmer.

And things have a way of working themselves out.

I finally finished the Ciprofloxacin on Sunday, and went along to have my infusions on Monday. It has been a busy time since I last posted! I will know on Friday if the tests show I still have pseudomonas. If I do, it's back on the ward for two weeks of intravenous antibiotics and food that makes airline food taste like haute cuisine. If that happens, I will do what several patients did the last time I was on the ward: sneak out for a pizza. And-of course-bags of Kettle Chips. Love those Kettle Chips.

I said I didn't make New Year's resolutions because I always break them before the first week is finished. This time I made one: to take the first month (January) and decide how I am going to live my life for the rest of the year, and what changes I want to implement-and if I really, really want to spend my precious time waiting for things to happen, rather than getting out and making them happen.

Even though I was flu-ridden for most of January, I have stuck to that decision. I've got some projects for the Social Justice team to work on-right now I am still in the process of putting things together, so I will let you know how that is going. And-I will let you know next time why I now will take my mother's advice: never volunteer for anything. Arghhhh!!

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