Monday 21 March 2016

Nearly at the finish line

I'm in the hospital-and there's no wifi, so I'm writing this on my phone. I got this little warning-the browser isn't supported, and weird things might happen. So if it suddenly turns into hieroglyphics-or repeats itself- I'm not having an Essex moment. Truly!

Last week I was getting everything ready for my admission-which suddenly happened on Wednesday.  My friend came down from the north- and thank goodness for that, because she's taken over my kitchen. This is a good thing, because most of the meals aren't things I recognize. I keep looking at the plate to see if things are moving-and I poke the stuff to see if it pokes back. So far-no. I don't know what I would do if something moved-probably whack it with my shoe.

It was one disaster after another: I raced to the hospital and was told I would have to wait four hours for a bed-then I was told to sit and wait in a corner-facing a wall. Well-you know I wasn't having any of that! So I had a frank and honest-and loud-discussion with the nurses, and twenty minutes later a bed magically appeared. There were bloody bandages in the bin in the bathroom-and it took a lot of complaints-and twenty four hours for the bin to be emptied. The room was dirty. But the bed was clean, so that was something. As far as I know, I haven't caught anything.

Medications were delayed, antibiotic infusions were screwed up-and I felt like screaming. Plus, I didn't expect to be in here until next week-so you can imagine how royally pissed off I am. I got so frustrated that today I didn't go outside to walk. I cried. Still-on Wednesday at this time-if it all goes according to plan-I will be back in the room and asking for morphine-or something strong. Or-they can just give me a bottle of Jack Daniel' and a straw. Whatever.

I did bring a Lindt's chocolate Easter bunny with me. I thought I'd wait until next week-since I might be here for Easter Sunday. I really like Lindt's chocolate-and the bunnies are all wrapped in gold colored paper, and have little bells around their necks (obviously I need to start getting out more).

So I looked at my bunny-and I bit his head off. Now I have a headless chocolate bunny-but he was delicious.

More later-if they don't kill me off, that is.

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