Sunday 13 March 2016

Tick Tock: it's the final countdown

Only ten days to surgery-and I don't know why I am so anxious, because this should (hopefully) be the last operation I will have for a long, long time. But I am still worried, even though my surgeon is excellent. I truly am hospital phobic-and for very good reasons (obviously).

I did try to calm down by watching the CNN coverage of Super Tuesday. Oops-that turned out to be a bad idea. I know I said that people who vote for the Donald must be redneck dipshits-but, hey, there seem to be an awful lot of redneck dipshits coming out of the woodwork. It's really discouraging.

So then I decided-after the Donald got seven states, which just amazed (and horrified) me-that anyone who votes for Trump should be horse-whipped. Please, people, really: on what alternate universe would Donald Trump EVER be capable of taking the job as President of the United States, the most powerful country in the world (at least, for now. He will destroy that, clearly-not to mention our reputation abroad, which is already suffering).

What is Donald Trump besides a total putz?? People will be emigrating by the thousands. No, by the millions. I'll go first.

I'm getting such a lot of stick over here. This is a country that had the odious Tony Blair in power-and now David Cameron, who is equally odious. Of course, we had Bush. Enough said. And (I like the word "odious"; it fits politicians perfectly, don't you think?) the equally odious Obama. Did he do anything besides take credit for Bin Laden (credit for something that had nothing to do with him at all) - and go golfing while the bank crisis was in full tilt?

I'm almost glad to be going into the hospital. I'll practice my English accent (ewww. Horrors-necessity, not desire!). I might just pretend to be mute.

I might still start packing. If everything goes to shit in November, I will be moving to Iceland. I went to Reykjavik many years ago-but it was closed.

I'm wandering around like a lost fart. Still anxious-not sleeping well, and that is reflected in the fact that I have cleaned my kitchen twice in the last week. I'm sure I will clean it again (in the middle of the night) before I go in for the operation. That's fine; I'll need the rest.

I wonder if I can get Kettle Chips in Iceland...and Starbucks. Obviously.

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