Monday 4 July 2016

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY-from your mole at Dipshit Central

Ah, yes, Happy Independence Day. This is the one day of the year when I go and wish everyone greetings, and finish up by telling everyone to have a nice day. I get my own back for months of hearing "have a nice day, love (or dear)", so now I get to retaliate. When I do it first, it makes the Brits nuts. My contribution to life in Dipshit Central.

So what has happened since I last wrote? In fact, what has happened since the referendum? Has the world ended? Have we had the apocalypse, or was it cancelled? Another financial depression of seismic proportions? Plague? Pestilence? Nah-getting a little biblical here, aren't I?

Well-none of the above. The pound is on its way to recovery, the world goes on...and as for the brain-dead, ill-mannered, obnoxious (and noxious) dipshits-there's no change there, except that there seem to be more of them than I ever expected. They really are everywhere-like cockroaches (same mentality, I think).

The uber-right wing leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage, has stepped down. He says he will remain an MP in Europe because he thinks that UK politicians (many of whom voted to remain, since they are in bed with European politicians-sometimes literally) will back off and betray the majority, who voted to leave. That wouldn't surprise me in the least. They are, after all, politicians: they lie when they're awake, and if they could lie while asleep they would do that, too. Trusting a politician to tell the truth is like standing across from a hungry tiger and trusting it not to eat you.

Now we have all the "celebrities" coming out and voicing their opinion. The richer they are, the more they want to remain in the EU. Does it really affect them? Of course not, but they love to hear themselves talk. There's David Beckham-rather less than affectionally known as Captain Peckerhead-and his wife, the idiot known as Po-face (and most of the time, Poo-face). There's nothing posh about Vicky the poser. And these two gormless idiots are claiming that their children will suffer without the EU. Their children will suffer because they are their children. Yuck.

And Bob Geldof, who still hasn't told us where all the missing millions are from Live Aid. All these years later, Geldof still looks like he needs a good wash and a delousing. Where's the dosh, Bob??
Then there's Bono, from U2. Now there is a total prat who just loves to stand up and pontificate about -well, everything-mostly about governments not taking care of the people. But, of course, Bono doesn't pay his taxes-and hasn't paid taxes in years. Hardly the one to talk, is he?

So many rich, self-important people lecturing about the NHS (they all have private medicine), the state of the school system (their children are privately educated), and blah blah blah. Please-I wish they'd all go stick their heads in an oven somewhere. Nobody (except them) is interested in anything they have to say.

And newspeople have interviewed so many people who voted to leave, and discovered that the issues are NOT immigration (so there goes their condescending opinion about people being racist-right down the toilet) or safety, or trade-but the desire to have their country make their own rules. Outside London people feel left out, marginalized, and they're right: they are.

The incidents of racist attacks, racist slurs, have risen dramatically since the vote-but I think that this would have happened no matter what the vote, because it has to do with racists, not with stay or leave. Racists will use any excuse, because that is what they do. It's all rather sickening, really. This country seems to be falling apart-and that is, in part, because people refuse to work together. They want what they want, even when the vote didn't go their way. Come on, you dipshits, get over it and behave like grownups!

As for me, I am keeping my head down, and refraining from making any comments either way-because emotions are running so high that I could say something (you know how opinionated I am), and get stabbed in the face. I like my face the way it is, and I intend to keep it that way.

Someone on the news this morning said that London is a place of diversity, peace and love. Oh, please, someone pass the sick bag! Diversity, yes-but peace and love? I can say-because I have lived here for a very, very, very long time-that London is a place of diversity, as well as greed, nastiness, and people beating the living shit out of each other. Peace and love, my bony New York ass.

If people truly want "peace and love" (ick) they have to learn to work together, and to respect each other's differences-and that goes for ideologies, too. They are all too wrapped up in making themselves right-and making everyone else wrong. Peace and love? Not a hope in hell of that happening..

I'm not only keeping my head down (until I get bored, that is), but I've gone off tamoxifen. I did this with Mr. Tan's blessing, because he said (last week) that I can stop, as it's been three years and I've had some nasty side effects. Can the cancer return? It can...and that worries me, but I also realize that I haven't had any quality of life in three years. Actually, I haven't had any quality of life in six years, since the gentamicin. For me, quality is far more important than quantity. What is the point of living until you're 100 but living like a vegetable? That is, of course, a worst case scenario for anyone, but you get the idea. It's all been about hospitals, doctors, surgery, tests and more tests-and there has to be more to an actual life than that. So I am going to find it.

George Bernard Shaw wrote that no diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good but all you could do is run for public office.

He's probably looking down on us and smiling because he knows he was right.

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