Thursday 30 June 2016

Get the shovels-we're up to the eyes in the brown stuff

Last Thursday-for anyone who has been on a different planet (or on drugs), we held a referendum. And the Remain side lost, fair and square, 52% to 48%. And-this entire week has been like one long, sad, badly written reality show. Actually-looking back, it's been really hilarious.

Remember that I kept telling you that the Brits-not all of them, just a minority-well, now I think it must be a really large minority- have got the brains of a doorknob, and the class and manners of, say, a pile of dog crap? This last week has been absolute proof. Every day it's more shit hitting the fan.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...okay, forget that, what the fuck. The remain idiots started by holding large demonstrations all across London, and demanding another referendum. Why? Because, apart from being ignorant idiots, they all seem to have the emotional maturity of a tantrum-throwing two year old. Spokespeople for these imbeciles stated that they want another referendum, and they want to change the rules-so they will keep having one until they get a different result. How infantile can you get?

Now the remains (remainders being the operative word) want the laws changed because they are saying that older people (you know: "old" means over 50) are too ignorant and uneducated to be able to vote-so they shouldn't be allowed to vote. These are idiots who are between 18 and 24, I think-have probably never worked, and are either living off their parents or living off state benefits. They would do well in Hitler's Germany: they would probably want everyone who is "old" to be euthanized. Not clever. Certainly far from intelligent, and very, very immature. But there you are.

Yes, dummies, let's have another referendum-and another, and another, until you win. How about a re-do of all the battles that didn't turn out so well-until we get  the result we like? I'm we go, let's all fight the Battle of Hastings (I said that to one of the dipshits from church who was saying that all older people should be shot. She'd never heard of the Battle of Hastings. Oops-brain-dead. How typical!) I know. My personal favorite: the Alamo. With nukes this time.

You see my point. The remain voters are screaming and sobbing as if the apocalypse has begun. I asked one person why she was upset; she said she's "grieving". I said, oh, someone's died, I'm so sorry to hear that. She replied, no, it's the referendum. That is the same person who never heard of the Battle of Hastings-or the Alamo. I know. I checked.

Oh, people are saying, what a tragedy. Hell, no. A tragedy is a terrorist attack. A tragedy is a tsunami, or a plague that kills thousands. A tragedy is a nuclear war (at least for the ten seconds we will all have to bend over and kiss our backsides goodbye). Voting to leave an organization that is run by arrogant, corrupt bureaucrats who couldn't care less about the people they allege to represent-that isn't a tragedy. That is a blessing.

It's nearly a week later, and politically, socially and economically we are in the shit so deep that even a ton of shovels won't help. And people are wondering where the leadership is..well, there isn't any.

David Cameron was so certain-in his arrogance-that his side (the remain side) would win that he was shell-shocked last Friday, and had no choice but to fall on his sword. So now all the vultures are circling their prey and jockeying into position to get the keys to 10 Downing Street. Today, Michael Gove, who was Pinky to Boris Johnson's Perky, suddenly turned around and stabbed Johnson in the back by declaring that Boris isn't fit to take office, and he decided to run instead. What an unscrupulous, back stabbing pile of crap he is. Someone in Parliament went on record to say that from now on, when someone brutally betrays someone else and shoves a knife in his back, it will be known as "doing a Gove". What a legacy.

Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Anti-Semitic Racist Party (aka the Labour Party) has been given a vote of no confidence by his peers, and refuses to stand down. Apparently he didn't do enough to get his people out to vote remain. Duh?? What was he supposed to do, press gang half the country to go and vote his way? People voted their conscience. And the Brexiteers (everyone has to have a nickname. Brexit-not biscuit. Brexiteers. Not mouseketeers, although I rather like that one) are being pilloried for standing up for what they believe in.

So that is life here in Dipshit Central. The pound collapsed against the dollar, all kinds of celebrities (all mega rich, and most not living in this country) are "upset" about the referendum-Richard Branson, of Virgin Airways, came out with an angry statement about how he's lost a ton of money. Like he would even miss it? Anyway, I've met Branson and he is a mindless tosser-rich, but a tosser nevertheless. I wish all these self-styled "celebs" would just zip it, and go back to having plastic surgery. Maybe some surgeon will sew their mouths shut.

Now we just wait and see-for the next installment. The pound is recovering, the world didn't end, and, I think, history will show that the people-the real people, the people who got sick of being f***ed up the backside (see that? I can be polite. Probably never again) and fought back against corrupt government-and won-did everyone a huge public service.

As for the government crooks-let them all go live in the EU. I'm packing for Iceland (me and everyone I know).

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