Tuesday 24 October 2017

Knuckleheads on Parade

I've had an entertaining time watching the news as I hit the coffee machine first thing in the morning-and by first thing, I mean 6am. It wakes me up-and the stupidity of that orange oaf in the White House never ceases to astonish me. "Knucklehead" is about right. The idiot is incompetent. But, of course, you know where I stand on that one.

My friend-house-sitting for me at the moment- is having such a good time in London that she wants me to stay here for another week. Duh...I wish I could. But I would be so fat I would have to take up two seats on the plane. I've eaten enough to feed the population of a small, third-world country.

On second thought, make that a large, third-world country. I'll be eating fruit and salad for days when I get back. But, it was so worth it!

I've done just about everything I wanted to do while here: saw family (an obligation, only because I opened my mouth and told one person I was coming over. Big mistake-unless, of course, you like your relatives. I prefer my friends,  quite honestly), saw my friends, went to the museum, mooched around Manhattan and a mall on Long Island...and, of course, I ate. A lot.

Now I'm just about ready to go back. Ah, jet lag: I get it both ways, and it was pretty awful this way, so I know what to expect on the red eye (overnight flight).

I've tried every remedy for jet lag: melatonin (keeps me awake), valerian (ditto), lavender (huh...smells nice, doesn't do anything for the dreaded lag), nothing works. But-I came, I saw, I ate, and I'll just have to deal with the lag when it happens. Whatever.

I'm going back to hear about the UK branch of Knuckleheads on Parade: more hilarity from politics.

Iceland is looking very, very attractive right now...

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