Saturday 10 March 2018

Buckle Up: the Art of Hanging Upside Down

I survived another week-and I managed to stay upright. Oh, joy. But-I received a call from the hospital on Thursday, telling me to come in next week for another session with the dreaded chair. Dangling upside down again should put everything that was shaken loose back into place. Hopefully. Then I'll be back to the usual balance problems, but they will-again, hopefully-improve with time. Hopefully. Maybe. Perhaps. We'll see.

I was told a few weeks ago that I should get as much rest as possible, to allow the head to heal. I still have a lump on the back of my head, but the headaches aren't nearly as bad as they were a month ago. And-it's been five weeks since my head-banging incident. I have been thrown out of the Tai Chi class, as you know-but really, that's a good thing. I felt very conspicuous when I made an attempt at a comeback two weeks after it all happened. I'm a bit infamous there, so at least I can wait awhile and then find another class somewhere else. Thanks to the Great God Google, I've been looking.

I know that I'm on something resembling the mend when I'm getting impatient to do things. If I get any more laid back, I might just ripen and rot. I'm not a sitting at home and learning to knit kind of person. I'd love to be able to knit, but-forget it, there would be a great deal of blood loss and swearing. So needlework isn't for me. I'm still trying to figure it out-especially since the concussion has caused me to really tire easily. My get up and go has got up and gone. But I'll figure it out. Eventually. I'm certainly mindful of the fact that I'm very, very lucky-this could have been so much worse. Someone is looking out for me.

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