Thursday 22 December 2022

Nearly down to the wire...

 Anyone else look back look back at nearly three years when our lives changed and the pandemic became more than just a word-but a thing? And a lethal thing, at that?

People suddenly became nicer, and helpful-and, of course, we all knew that wouldn't last. Now we're allegedly out of the woods, everyone is back to being as ratty as they were before lockdown. My friend in Dublin wrote and reminded me that people really suck. She's a nurse, so she has seen just about everything. 

All the turkeys that haven't been killed by the outbreak of avian flu are in the shops now. I went to my favorite (Marks & Spencer) and saw a small one - only £50!! What?? So I'm reconsidering-chicken, maybe, or even something vegetarian. When I see footage of abattoirs, I feel really sick. This is a good time to start eating my veggies...

I heard from a couple of people who have been viciously verbally attacked by those people I told you about... and that's another good reason for moving. There's nothing I can do about it. And I still don't know any more about twitter than I did the last time I wrote. I'll figure it out. 

We had enough rain to wash away all the snow and ice of last week. It's now around 9C, so I'm happy. I keep walking, and I just had my tenth acupuncture treatment yesterday. We might be able to stretch it to fifteen-but then we'll have to stop. Any physio treatments have a final date. And I have to say that acupuncture has helped the balance. I did say that I won't stop fighting the devastating diagnosis- so I'll see what the new year brings. I'm just happy that I'm still here and that I'm as healthy as I am.

Have a happy Christmas, everyone, and if I get drunk and disorderly (that really would be a miracle. And a first) and forget to write next week, a happy and healthy new year. Pandemic free.

Remember that over the Christmas period, calories don't count. What the heck-we can all pay for the excesses in January...

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