Saturday 16 March 2013

Another rainy day in Paradise

I had to go to the gym-and it is a real effort to get myself up and out the door. Once I get there, I enjoy it: boring myself stupid on the treadmill, nearly rupturing myself on the free weights...but I have to do it. If I don't, my stomach will enter a room way before the rest of me-and my ass will follow ten minutes later.The gym it is.

I did something I haven't done in a very long time: I took a ride on the London Underground. What a joy!! It is quite something else. I seem to find myself standing (because nobody has the good manners to offer a seat to someone who obviously is unable to remain upright) next to tall people. I had one man on one side who clearly hasn't had a bath for months. Maybe years. Maybe ever. I am not very tall, and I came up to his armpit. What a good thing that I never have breakfast, or he would have been wearing it. And on my other side was someone who must love garlic-and beans. Don't forget the beans!! The man was suffering from a bad case of flatulence-and the smell was unbelievable. It smelled like a rat crawled up his ass and died.

This is why I try to avoid the Underground at all costs. Honestly-why blow up buildings if you want to kill a load of Brits? Just stick them all in an overcrowded train, and cause a delay of at least an hour. The ones who don't fight and kill each other will most definitely asphyxiate-and not because of the lack of air, either!

They will all fart themselves to death. That would be interesting: death by flatulence.

Anyone who decides to try this out: please let me know in advance. I will be at the gym.

I see that a new Pope has been chosen-I'm so glad they got rid of Benny the Rat, the Nazi Pope. I will be interested to see if this one is any better. No surprises that I find the Unitarians so interesting-because the mainline Catholics are against things I support: abortion, freedom of choice, same sex marriages, tolerance for everyone regardless of their beliefs-as long as they don't kill or maim other people, don't rape children (so much for the Catholic priests on that one!!), don't harm animals.

It's a good thing I wasn't born Catholic: I would have been excommunicated at birth-or maybe shot. Who doesn't believe in birth control, and then has ten children they can't care for, support, love, look after? Sorry, but that is someone who is just plain stupid. Fundamentalist religion is just a big load of bollocks.

So, now that I have alienated all the Catholics (who will be sending me straight to Hell), I have to say Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my Irish friends-and my Irish Catholic friends, if there are any left!! AND-to all the Irish guys out there, I will have a toast on your behalf.

If I am a blogger, does that make people who read my blogs bloggees? Just an interesting cheers to all my Irish bloggees - me, I will be opening the wine at home, since pubs around here are dangerous! LOL!!! Shamrocks and green beer...ewww...

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