Friday 24 June 2016

Big news from your mole in Dipshit Central

I've been watching the coverage on the referendum since 5:30 this morning-and it's now 9:35, and I'm still watching.

Well, slap my face (smack my gob)-I never thought the people of this country would actually vote to leave the EU-I really believed that most Brits would cave to the threats, scaremongering, and loads of crap from David Cameron and his playmates. Am I surprised, or what?

It was a decisive victory for the Leave campaign: 52% leave, 48% remain. And now all the blame is being apportioned. Cameron is stepping down in October, and things are still really up in the air. People in government are procrastinating over Article 50, which gives the EU notice that we are leaving.

It has been an interesting few months of back-biting, scaremongering, and, of course, Odious Obama coming over here and threatening us (meanwhile, he isn't competent to run my country, so why he was here is still a mystery. All he did was piss people off-and justifiably, in my view).

It will be another few months of apportioning blame, recriminations, double dealing- and speculation. And-after the prime minister invokes article 50, we will still have to wait at least two years before we can actually leave the EU. I watched while members of Parliament were fighting - I mean, really fighting - and I was waiting for men to stop the rhetoric and accusations to jump up and beat the crap out of each other. Now that would have been seriously entertaining.

The media spend an inordinate amount of time speculating about the future of Britain. The pound plummeted, there is unrest throughout financial markets everywhere-people really expected the voters to want to stay in the EU-and continue to be slaves to Brussels when it comes to making our own decisions.

I'm just keeping my head down and noting all the deal-making and sneaking around on the part of the politicians who are ready to move into Downing Street when Cameron finally shifts his ass out in October. I personally think that the majority of Brits have taken back this country, and will-at some point - be able to govern themselves.

Let's all be embroiled in infighting, predicting doom, and general negativity. I will say one thing about the referendum results: it shows that 52% of the voters are actually awake.

And-they're still dipshits. Some things never change...

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