Friday 24 June 2016

Head, heart and soul my bony ass

I'm listening to Dave the Douchebag as he realizes that he needs to step down as Prime Minister-and he gives me a cramp. I get those: cramps in my side as my bullshit detector (pretty accurate after years of practice) goes into high gear.

Dave (Cameron, of course, the chief crook and idiot in government in this country) talked about working hard, from "head, heart and soul" to keep us in the EU. Sure: he threatened, frightened, scare-mongered, and did as much as he could to get people to vote his way-and he failed spectacularly. I guess that there goes the knighthood he was probably going to give himself.

This is what happens when you underestimate the power of the people. Threatening is not leading.

Now I'm looking at things that are happening across the Pond. And now I'm going to be cross-examined by friends who want to know who is going to be the next President. I'm just hoping that Trump continues to be a total asshole-and that Hilary takes note of what the people want, not just what she wants.

Hilary: don't make promises if you can't (or won't) keep them. If you want proof of that-just ask Dave.

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