Monday 16 July 2012

Bruised (again) but never beaten

Allowing myself to get very depressed over this two-year diabolical period is simply unhealthy. I've discovered what most people probably already know: wallowing is toxic to body and mind (and spirit), and the best antidote is to get off one's bottom and actually do something constructive. So-that is exactly what I did. I got off my bottom.

Yesterday I decided to get up and clean the house. I scrubbed the bathroom and kitchen tiles, the sinks, everything within reach. I got so into cleaning, I turned around and walked into a door and very nearly knocked myself unconscious. Well-at least I would have keeled over onto a very clean floor!!

I've decided that I really need more exercise; I was such a gym bunny before the gentamicin thing, and for two years I have been doing about as much activity as a slug in a puddle. My muscles have all but disappeared. In fact, I think I've got arm muscles the size of a sparrow's kneecaps!!

So-this morning I went to the gym. I really had to force myself, because the noisy neighbor from Hell upstairs had his music blaring at 2AM, and it was still blaring when I finally got disgusted at 4:30 and got up and made myself a very strong cup of coffee!! I forced myself to get out and go and workout-and I am so glad I did. Mind you, I'm walking as if I just lost my virginity-but I still feel like I've accomplished something (and yes, I CAN remember back that far!!).

I read some time ago that it takes 21 days to break a habit-and 21 days to form a new habit. That may or may not be true, but it sounds good!! So if I keep going to the gym, and I decide to be consistent about it, in a month or so I should (allegedly) be able to get up early and get moving. I'll keep you posted.

Olympic athletes are starting to fly into Heathrow, and all the roads are just clogged. Life will be chaos until the whole palaver is over. Really, I've got appointments (hospital ones) smack in the middle of the Olympics, and getting to those will be brutal. I'm not into any of this at all, quite honestly-the hoopla, the xenophobia, the ra ra business, and the tabloids dumping all over everyone else's athletes. I know, of course, that  the tabloids (the Sun, the Mail, the Express, the Daily Mirror, the Star, and whoever I missed) are only staffed by Neanderthals who are functionally illiterate and unable to construct a sentence of more than four words. Still, they are massively annoying.

So I'm hoping that the US team will do what it did in 2008: wipe the floor with "team GB".

Why are people in this country unable (and unwilling) to show any grace in both defeat and in victory? They seem to be bad losers-and bad winners, too. I tend to have very little patience with doorknobs (if this is your first time reading my blog, doorknobs are people with the intelligence of a doorknob). I also have very little patience with my own people who come over and apologize for being American. I don't see British tourists apologize for being British-or for Tony Blair, who was (and is) as disgusting and as big a crook as GW Bush.

Can people just grow up and learn how to get along??

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