Wednesday 4 July 2012

Drum roll, please, it's Independence Day!!

I'm in a better frame of mind this morning, despite having a very sleepless night. Some days are better than others, and some days are much worse than others. The good days haven't turned into good weeks-yet-but the bad weeks have certainly moved into bad weeks. I'm working on changing that - but it does take time!

Today is the 4th of July, and I always celebrate by firing off rockets, and Catherine wheels-any fireworks I can get my little hands on. Now-in this country, the only legal day for setting off fireworks is the 5th of November. So I always buy fireworks around the 3rd, and save them for July. The stuff that is sold by the supermarkets is all pretty lame-and expensive-but I buy it anyway, just to have a little firework party to celebrate Independence Day.

Last year, I was in much worse shape than I am now-and I invited two Brits to join me in a firework display in Highgate Wood, which is not far from my house. I found a clearing, and both people acted as my lookouts as I set everything up. It was hilarious-because we could have been arrested on some stupid charge, like disturbing the peace. I doubt very much that the trees and the squirrels would complain-but that's the law, no matter how ridiculous it is!!

So I've got the fireworks, and one rebel, bolshy Brit to stand as lookout. It's raining and is supposed to rain for the rest of the day-but that won't stop us from a short road trip to Highgate Wood when it gets semi-dark. I still am unable to see or stand very well in the dark, so dusk will have to do. And last year we had an audience-about a dozen people watched, rather confused as to why we were setting off fireworks in July. But we cleared all the evidence afterward, and tried to be very nonchalant as we left. Our audience's faces were priceless: another Kodak moment missed!!

It might be only a matter of time before I run out of luck - since I've been celebrating the Fourth for years - but I've decided that, should we get caught, I will appear to be very confused. And deaf. And mute.

Sometimes having a walking stick and no balance can work in one's favor!!!

Happy Independence Day. Celebrate. Set off fireworks. It drives the Brits nuts...

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