Friday 27 July 2012

Moe, Larry, Curly-and Flopsy

I have been hibernating all week. It's been so hot, I thought my keyboard would melt. In fact, I thought I would melt!! I know it has only been in the 80s-and that would make my friends in New York and Florida laugh, since they've got hit with weather in the 90s-but, at least they've got air conditioning!! When I first came over here, there was virtually no air conditioning. People simply dripped with sweat. And fainted. And expired. That's one way to deal with overpopulation!!

Our mayor-Boris Johnson-has a radio ad about the Olympics. He says "it's here. It's "The Big One". I wonder exactly what he means by that...:-)) Now, joking aside, if you see a photograph of Boris, he has big blonde hair that flops into his eyes. So I gave him a nickname (as I do with a lot of people): Flopsy. But-there is a problem with that name.

I now recall (as I write this) that, about five years ago, I had a boyfriend who had a problem with alcohol. I used to call him Flopsy-but it had nothing to do with his hair. In fact, it had everything to do with another part of his anatomy (still thinking about it? Think: fuurther south). That's one reason (of many) that he is an EX-boyfriend. Whew-limp as an old lettuce leaf. So, I have decided to skip the nickname and just call the mayor Boris. There are other nicknames for him out there, but I think they may be unprintable.

If you don't get the Flopsy connection-where were you in your childhood: unconscious??

I've got nicknames for the toxic triplets in charge (if you could call it that) of this country: the not so Prime Minister, his deputy, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer: Moe, Larry and Curly. No clue? Where were you in childhood: comatose?? Moe, Larry and Curly are also known as the Three Stooges.There is a film out about them.

And what is the Three Stooges connection? Well, if you are reading this and you live in the UK, you will know why I call them the Three Stooges. They have followed in Tony Blair's footsteps to completely destroy this country-and they have done a sterling job of it, too. We should have just all voted for H'Angus the Monkey. Well- I can't vote here unless I relinquish my right to vote for President. I'll never do that, although I doubt very much if my vote makes much of a difference.

And that brings us to Obama. Do I have a nickname for him? Of course I do!!!!! When he had the nerve to insult the American people's intelligence by standing in front of the television cameras and take credit for Bin Laden's capture (something which had nothing whatsoever to do with him-the credit belongs to the Special Forces, not the moron in the White House), but blame everything that has gone wrong with our country on previous administrations (er..excuse me, but what happened to all his typically false politician's promises??), I started to call him "that scum sucking reptile".

When I saw Obama stand up (in an election year, of course) and offer sympathy to the families of the murdered people in Colorado last week, I was furious. How dare he do that, rather than do something to really help-like start fighting for gun control laws? Of couse, that would make him even more unpopular than he is already. He's a typical politician: lie, cheat and steal, promise everyone everything but deliver nothing. He can shove his sympathy. I now refer to him as "the viper". Perhaps I should call him "the coward" instead.

Eeeek!! Politicians-the lowest of the low. And there you have my latest on politics. And there is so much more to life than that!!We have the vote. We have brains (well, some of us do, anyway). Why not use them??

Speaking of balance (which I wasn't, but I will now)-I have gone back to the gym, and I've booked six training sessions, so that I have someone who can tell me if I am doing something wrong. Always a good thing-before I end up rupturing something. I had my first training session yesterday-and my trainer put me through my paces. At the end, just when I thought it was over- he had me stand on a rubber cushion and do squats. Now-squats? On a cushion? With no balance system? I was holding onto a bar-but it must have been hilarious to watch. And-I managed to do three sets of ten without falling on my backside.

That's not bad for someone who could barely stand six months ago. It pushes me to do more.

One last comment about the upcoming election in November: I'm completing an absentee ballot. I'm doing a write-in, if there is space: I'm voting for Mickey Mouse. And why not? As I've said before (repeatedly), a chimpanzee would do a better job in the White House!!

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