Saturday 21 January 2012

To Believe or Not to Believe: The Jury is Out

Well, hello, and I cannot believe I last posted on the 10th!! What the heck!! I've had so many problems getting online-now there is a message above saying that my browser is no longer supported by Blogger. Huh. What's next: smoke signals??

These last 11 days have been pretty dire-not only because I've had computer and internet "challenges", but also because I have been running to various consultants, physios, and bloodletters. I feel like I'm a hamster on a treadmill.

The police have informed me that they will not prosecute my attacker, since we have no CCTV in the area, and there are no credible witnesses to be found. This is, of course, British justice in all its' glory!! Let's just tell the whole world that all their criminals can come over here and do exactly what they want, and get away with it all. Never mind: they all know this already!! No surprise that this country is the laughing stock of the world!!

One of the things I've considered over the last 75 weeks (yes, it is 75 weeks today. What a joy) is the God issue. I'm not getting into a religious post here, because I could debate both sides-and then I will offend everyone. I've already been beaten up once, thanks very much, and once was more than enough. So....

I will only say that I believe in a Higher Power. We can call it God, or Goddess-since earth-based religion predates Christianity, the first God(dess) was female, and a lot of people still worship her. I don't go for the old man with the long white beard, sitting on a throne and passing judgment. For one thing, if he is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, why does he need a throne? Really, let's be logical. Like I said, I could very easily offend everyone, including my very best friends, and I don't want to do that. Suffice to say, I have thought about the religious issue and what I believe for the last 75 weeks. I have a feeling that most (if not all) people who have had somethingike this happen go through a crisis period where they no longer believe in anything.

So, my dilemma is, where was God while I was being incapacitated by the incompetent medical community? And, of course, the usual phrase: "why me?".

My very good friend Nancy says that bad things happen to good people. Look at those people a mentioned a few posts ago. They didn't deserve what they got. So the next thing to say is: "why NOT me?". Not a clue.

All the people-like Katie, who was so severely disfigured, and the PC who was blinded up in Northumberland, and all the people who lost limbs serving for their country (and in other ways)-don't make me feel better because my disability is minor if compared to theirs. I don't compare. I admire them for refusing to give up, for carrying on with their lives as best as they can,  and for refusing to let the "other guy(s)" win.

So I will keep working, and walking, and doing the exercises, even though I've been told by the vestibular physiotherapist that I seem to have come as far as I ever will when it comes to the amount of balance and vision I will get back.

Unacceptable!! I have a sneaking suspicion (either that or I am really ridiculously neurotic) that, since the brain is not completely understood by the medical community (just like competence is not completely understood by them), I can get more back. I'm working on it.

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