Wednesday 16 May 2012

Back in the saddle (again)

Well, here we go again! I remember a story about falling off a horse: how you have to get straight back on again (after the bruising goes away, and the broken bones mend) - or you will not want to ride again.

This is probably irrelevant-but I thought I would mention it anyway.

I cheered myself up on Sunday, and by Monday morning I was fine. The weather was sunny and cool, so my balance was much better, and I went my merry way to the hospital. Oh, not a good idea, as it happens!

I wondered why nobody would tell me the results of the biopsies that were taken (stomach and colon) a few weeks ago. When I asked, I was told that the results weren't back yet. I swear, people think that patients are retarded!!

So I went to gastro, saw the consultant's registrar, and was given the bad news: not only were the biopsies positive, but I asked about the PET scan and was told that there is something on my lung. What? I have to see the chest consultant to find out.

I admit to being a baby: I cried on the way home, and I cried once I got home, and I didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone. I couldn't bring myself to even get near the computer! Shock? No kidding. It's to be expected, since my mother's side all expired from cancer: it's part of the CVID, susceptibility to various types of cancer when you are born without immunity. So there we are.

I've had a couple of days to think about it-and, of course, nobody ruminates like I ruminate!!! It looks like I am in for a fight (another one!!). And this is a fight I have to win. I can't run from now I'm fighting this plus the vestibular stuff. Oh, joy.

Well, we will see how strong I am!

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