Sunday 27 May 2012

Murphy's Law seeks revenge

I haven't been kidnapped-I've had a bad week. Murphy's Law has been reaching up to bite me in the backside. Whatever could have gone wrong-did so.

I had a week of hospital visits- and this is nearly the end of all that stuff-for the summer, anyway. I've been feeling like I've got another chest infection: my balance has been non-existent, and that is a huge clue that I'm not well. That is my early warning system-well, that and the coughing, the sputtering, and the general tendency to feel like crap.

Friday I went to see my immunology consultant, Matt. He's now going to put me into the hospital for a couple of weeks of cleaning out the system with intravenous Domestos. That's enough to put me in a bad mood. They didn't kill me last time, so they want another shot at it!

I don't like the idea of being an inpatient. Hospitals are bad places: they're full of sick people!! And-the food makes airline food look like it's cordon bleu!!

If they don't kill me this time-I'm close enough to Sainsbury's to go and buy my own food. That will be interesting: shopping for food with a cannula in my arm. People might think I'm on drugs-but it's Whitechapel. EVERYONE is on drugs!!

Yesterday I met my artist friend Marlene in Willesden; she is exhibiting there, so we had a coffee and went to the gallery. I nearly fell off the bus on the way-I think I came close to giving the driver an aneurysm. One second I was there, then I was gone.Another day's entertainment.

Yesterday it all went wrong. Every week I draw up immunoglobulin and infuse it by means of a Freedom 60 pump. I have a four-site needle set, and I have two syringes I fill with antibodies: two needles go into my legs, and two into my abdomen. The pump is the gold standard for pumps, and is mechanical, so I don't have to worry about anything going wrong - except when it does. And it did-in a big way! I love it when someone says "nothing can go wrong". Ha ha.

I was ready to infuse, I had all the needles on site, I twisted the switch-and there was an almighty bang, and the syringe shot out of the pump and flew across the room. I couldn't believe it. And nobody has any pumps-so I have to wait until tomorrow, when the hospital will order one. And that was the culmination of a very dreary week. My GP and my consultant both told me how serious my condition is, and that nobody knows how long it will be before I develop the infection that kills me off. As if I don't know that already!!

 So I will get another pump some time this week. And I can truly say I'm glad last week is over!! I wonder what other mischief I can get into!

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