Friday 4 May 2012

Chips and Dips, and Peacocks Rock!

I like to check out t-shirt shops. I used to have this great shop on Fifth Avenue, and all my classmates and I would go into the city and stop there to see what was new; we always came out with some shirt with a great saying (and sometimes, not so great). I went back years later-but, sadly, the shop was gone. Tempus fugit, I know-but I still like to go and look when I see a place that will make your shirt to order.

One of the things I found in storage was a t-shirt that said: A peacock that sits on its' tailfeathers is just another turkey. I thought that was so good, I bought it in three colors (now you know why I have a huge storage unit filled with "stuff". My life is there-well, my previous life!!). So, of course, I brought it home with me. It's almost as good as "Beam me up Scotty". But there are other ones that are good, too-one day I'll find them. I'll also find those six woks.

It hasn't been an easy week; every day was a hospital day, and I am (happily) nearing the end of all the assessments, occupational therapists, and support people. Slowly, everyone is leaving-which is good, because it means I don't need such a huge amount of care anymore. The physiotherapist at the Royal London has discharged me after the requisite four visits-which didn't do a whole lot of good, so I am very glad for the help at the Neurology Hospital. The general consensus is that I will not get any better than I am now, so I will have to learn to live with things as they are. As long as I can walk without falling over -or falling in front of a bus - their job is over.

Their opinions are their opinions; I believe differently. We'll see in the end who is right. I'm not giving up just because they say so!

I have to go see the dietician-and I know she will say that Kettle Chips don't constitute a proper diet. Oh, well-I did try to convince her last time that they are one of the food groups (especially with my friend Nancy's wonderful dips!), but she wasn't having it. So I have to sort out my nutrition, and then I will be down one more person. I get the old "have to eat properly, drink lots of fluids (no, coffee doesn't really count), get plenty of sleep (only if I kill the noisy neighbour from Hell who lives upstairs), don't get stressed (you must be joking!!!), and so on.

I can do very well if I find a place where the temperature is a constant 20C (68F), it only rains at night (while I'm asleep), and there are very few people-and no idiots with prams.

The more people I see, the more I like animals. In fact, I am beginning to prefer dogs to people-and not without very good reason!

I'm certainly getting grumpy in my dotage. That is what gentamicin toxicity does to me!! Either that-or it's the constant exposure to idiots!!

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