Thursday 7 June 2012

The best headline ever written (at least, in the UK)

I remember when Fergie married Andy - all those years ago - and I was walking up the road when I noticed a headline in one of the newspapers- clearly not one of the royalty-loving newspapers-I think it was the Socialist Worker, or something like that. I had to stop, look, and laugh, because I thought it was the best headline I have ever seen (and I've never seen one like it since-and I've not seen the paper since). It read: SCROUNGER MARRIES PARASITE. Whoever worked that out should have received an award; he (or she) probably got arrested and whipped.

It turned out to be prophetic: Fergie scrounged as much as she could for as long as she could from everyone she could (here in the UK and in Europe) and is now scrounging off everyone she can in the U.S. Maybe we are as stupid as the Brits say. And Andy-well, he flies all over the world (at the taxpayers' expense) and doesn't seem to be doing much of anything - except consorting with convicted pedophiles and call girls, and living off the taxpayer. What a nice couple: they so deserve each other!!

The latest from Andy is that he wants the taxpayers to pay for round the clock protection for his two daughters. Excuse me!! Have you seen his daughters?? They are so ugly, who on earth would ever want to kidnap them? They are so ugly, they would have to pay someone to kidnap them. What a nerve this tosser has! As if he hasn't lived off the people for all his life already. Someone tell the prat to go find a job.

No, I am NOT a royalist. I have no time for people whose ancestors clubbed someone over the head and declared themselves king (or queen). The fact is that the old girl (the queen) could dust off the cobwebs in her wallet and sign a cheque and save the NHS, which is rapidly imploding, even though the government tries to hide this fact. Cameron wants the NHS to become an HMO system, where people have to pay-and pay-and pay-and pay. What does he care? His family has private medicine. His children are privately educated. He couldn't give a rat's patootie about people who actually work for a living. He must live on Mars; he is completely out of touch with the people in this country.

Kate, who never worked a day in her life, has spent years trying to bag her balding prince-and now there is talk that she is in the club, so even more of the taxpayers' money will go toward ridiculously high expenses for the "royal" parasites. And people who are awaiting life saving treatment under the soon-to-be-defunct NHS are dying in droves. Do these so-called "royals" care? Of course they don't - or they would cough up the money to save their people: people they clearly hold in the deepest contempt.

We just celebrated the queen's sixty years on the throne. And all the people who have been brainwashed from birth were out in their millions. I wonder how the people who are dying from lack of medical treatment feel about that!! I support the large minority who want to end the monarchy, and take the billions and save lives.

The newspapers (who on earth would believe them? They lie like there is no tomorrow: just ask Rupert Murdoch) are filled with stories about Americans not having a royal family, so they will adopt this one. Errr...surely nobody could be that big a moron. Could they? Our country was formed to get away from the "royal" parasites, not to worship them two hundred years later. After all, they are only descended from a long line of thieves, rapists, murderers and lunatics. And the centuries of inbreeding certainly are obvious.

Nope. I pledge allegiance to my flag, and to my country, although I don't agree with everything my government does (that's for sure!). I want to be rid of the oaf that is in the White House-you know, the one who had the colossal nerve to point at the television cameras and take credit for Bin Laden's demise, although he had nothing whatsoever to do with it. He takes credit for all the good things, but denies responsibility for all the failures: Obama, like Cameron and Clegg, is a true politician: a liar, cheat and scumbag to the end. Sadly, the end is ours, not theirs!!

I won't pledge allegiance to anyone, especially someone who consorts with known terrorists and despots who torture and murder (and steal from) their own people.

HOWEVER: if someone put a loaded gun to my head, I would pledge allegiance to anyone, even Mickey Mouse (better than the incumbent President, the mouse is smarter, cuter, and has better ears).

Put a gun to my head and I will pledge allegiance to a Snickerdoodle. My mother didn't raise an idiot, after all!!

I've decided that, when someone asks me what I think of the royal parasites (ooops!! I mean the royal family. Duh!!), I will shrug and say that I bow and curtsy to nobody, and I pledge allegiance to something important.

I pledge allegiance to my teeth.

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