Tuesday 14 July 2015

My sword is drawn and I'm ready for an almighty battle

I was going to talk about events last week-but yesterday finished that idea.

As you know, I have been awaiting reconstructive surgery since last year-and I am due to finally have it in a month's time. But yesterday, the infantile, immature, unethical Matthew Buckland tried his best to put a stop to that. So now it is fight time. And I will put his name in caps: MATTHEW BUCKLAND. I will explain why...

When I had the gentamicin poisoning five years ago, there was no apology from the three cripplers. There was no taking responsibility for their negligence, their sheer incompetence, their arrogance and egomania. Nothing. So I replaced my then immunologist HILARY LONGHURST with MATTHEW BUCKLAND, who banned me from ever mentioning the elephant in the room (GENTAMICIN POISONING), and also banned me from slagging off the three people who crippled me (HILARY LONGHURST, SOFIA GRIGORIADOU, AND PHILIP BRIGHT). I had no choice but to comply with his demands-he would have tossed me into the community and I would have had to find another immunologist and find a way to get my immunoglobulin replacement on my own. I say "on my own", because my GP has no experience in this area (which is fair enough).

Well...I had my infusions yesterday, as usual, and Matt called me into his office. He was sneeringly condescending and extremely unpleasant as he told me that someone had been doing some research and had found my blog (goody for that). He carried on about how I don't trust him-well, why should I? He bullied me for years, and threatened me, and I was too unwell (from the gentamicin) to be able to find another immunologist and another hospital. So I stayed. And I just kept hoping that next time I had to be admitted they wouldn't kill me. I always felt uneasy-I didn't want to leave the hospital in a wheelchair - or in a body bag - that was how much I trusted them to get it right (obviously I didn't trust them at all). In fact, I have been searching for another immunologist for about a year-but I wanted to wait until I had reconstruction before making the move.

I said that Matt was sneeringly condescending, threatening, very cold and unfeeling-apparently his researcher showed him some parts of the blog, and he decided to toss me into the community anyway-four weeks before my operation. He timed it deliberately and maliciously. And he sat there, clearly enjoying what he was doing. I asked him to wait until the operation was over; he said no, he wasn't willing to do that. What an absolute arrogant bastard he is!!

So I have put his name - and the names of the other cripplers - in caps so that anyone who googles them can easily find them-and they know exactly what was done, both viciously and maliciously. Buckland also accused me of slagging off members of the nursing staff (a lie) and his wife (another lie). So MATTHEW BUCKLAND is unethical, insecure, infantile (prone to temper tantrums, poor baby), immoral, has not a shred of integrity or ethics-or compassion, or empathy-and is also an inveterate liar to boot.

I went along to see my GP yesterday afternoon. Obviously I was in a bad state, afraid that the surgery would have to be cancelled. I'm being referred to another hospital, so at least I will have a better immunologist (I couldn't get a worse one, could I?). I'm also filling out a complaint against Buckland with the General Medical Council, charging him with reckless endangerment. Nothing will probably come of it, since the GMC is comprised of doctors, and they all stick together (like rats). I'm complaining to the hospital, too (ditto-Barts will back its doctors, even when they are bullying, incompetent, negligent and threatening. So Buckland is right at home, as are the other two).

My GP said that I should remove all reference to named people from this blog. I say: hell, no!! I was threatened and bullied for years, and not in a pleasant way-why shouldn't I express my opinion? Why should anyone who has been crippled by incompetent, uncaring, arrogant doctors be refused the right to show how they feel?

My hands are no longer tied, since I am no longer a patient at the Royal London's immunology department. And, really, that is a good thing, because it means that I can finally tell the truth without being threatened by some total asshole whose only claim to fame is a medical degree. These people get away with crippling patients, and probably killing some of them, and they are not held accountable for their actions. And that has to change. Only people who speak out will force that change.

One problem with the cripplers (as identified in caps, above) is that they are so focused on the money they get (at least £150,000 a year-not bad for someone without a soul), they ignore the fact that they are treating people. We are people, not simply bodies who have a list of symptoms that need to be treated. These guys have no heart and no soul, or they wouldn't act the way they do, and they would see that we patients have feelings and concerns-but they are all so cold that they just don't really give a damn. And that should change, too. My other doctors (same hospital, different departments) are very different: they care about their patients, they treat us with respect, not the immunologists' contempt.

So what am I doing? Well, I am writing formal complaints to the appropriate agencies, and my friend Dave has a great idea: do a short video, tell exactly what has happened, and upload it to YouTube. Fantastic. I will be doing that tomorrow, and I will be sharing the link with my friends and all of you. The cripplers can't do anything to me-they've already done it all, haven't they?

I want this blog to be seen by everyone, everywhere-and the same with the upcoming video. It's time that people take their power back from the hospitals and the doctors (particularly the incompetent, bullying ones). It is, in my view, way past time. Doctors may be arrogant, unfeeling, have God complexes and think they are above any kind of accountability-but they aren't. And the ones who are like that make it tough for the really good doctors, the really decent human beings, to help the sick. It is supposed to be about alleviating suffering, helping the sick-not about treating us patients like bugs under a microscope.

Until tomorrow, then.

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